
Anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

by Guest44846  |  earlier

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I feel like I'm getting a little burned out by YA. Too much drama, too much BS, too much judgement, etc.

Am I the only mommy (or daddies, if you read this, you too, lol) that feels this way?

Oh, and just to make sure this doesn't seem like a rant or chatting or whatever.... Here's the "BABY" question -

Is your baby named after someone special in your life?

My son's middle name is after one of his grandfather's.




  1. Sure I feel the same way .  Q- My Daughter name is Alaina Kay. Alaina is a form of Helen and my husband and my grandmother and also my sister is named Helen. Kay is my husband mother middle name.  So her name is very special to us.

  2. My sons middle name (Edward) was my fathers first name  (he passed away in 05) and my  1st daughters middle name (Kae) is my moms middle name and my 2nd daughters middle name(Gabrielle) is the name my mom almost named me.

  3. To be honest, I just started really using this site yesterday, but it seems to me like there is WAY too much judgement and negativity going on.  I mean, when someone asks a question, they are usually looking for an honest answer to help them with a problem or concern they are having.  They arent' looking to be judged and scolded by strangers.  And I've gotten "thumbs down" ratings on answers that I really dont' see what someone could have possibly had a problem with.  

  4. My biggest problem with this site is the young girls posting pictures of themselves and friends asking who is prettier. Or even just pictures of themselves. Some of the comments are hurtful and i cannot stand the thought of those girls reading things like" you're fat or she's ugly" adolescence is hard enough already. Those types of questions should be banned.

    As for my son: He is named after his daddy and his grandfather. =)

  5. I agree about the too much BS on here- im sure if anyone saw my question yesterday- i was pretty mad lol.

    But about the name part-

    Yes! My daughters middle name is my moms name.

    My husband and I felt like we should name her after my mom because she always supported our marriage and our choices.


  6. There's more cattiness on this site than you'd see anywhere else, IMO. A bunch of sanctimommies who do everything better than everyone else, and they're quite happy to tell you how horrible a parent you are because you don't do as they do.

    Then they'll tell you that you shouldn't trust or believe your doctor (whom you have a relationship with, and have -hopefully- chosen because he/she suits YOUR needs with your child/family) because he/she is out to make money for the pharmaceutical companies and/or shouldn't tell you X, Y or Z, because a WEBSITE ON THE INTERNET says otherwise.


    Eff them.

    Anyhow, back on track -

    My daughter shares a middle name, Lynne with my late sister, and my son has two middle names, Aage and Peter, after family members also.

  7. I feel the same way! I'm tired of hearing negative responses and all the stupid thumbs downs for peoples opinions!! And, Ian's middle name (riley) is after my father in law :)

  8. I try to stay in other sections that interest me like the television section because I hate the judgemental people here. All of my sons have middle names after someone in my family. My first son's middle name is Aaron which is my brother's name, my second son's middle name is Lee which is my father in law's middle name and my youngest son's middle name is William after my mother  and mother in law's maiden name Williams.

  9. There is a lot of c**p that goes on here. It's pretty ridiculous, but some people just can't help themselves.Notice this only happens in the Newborn & Baby section... hmmm.. I got burned out and took a "vacation" from Yahoo answers for about a month. I'm still getting back in the groove of things.  Please don't quit. You're one of my favorites :)

    I'd miss your questions and Johnny's adorable stories and pictures!


  10. yeah, I agree, though I have gotten pretty good at ignoring the drama,I just state my opinion and move on.

    and my baby isnt named after anyone, if we would have had a boy we would have named him after my boyfriends stepdad.

  11. Agreed....

    Monkey, you had one thumbs down and 4 thumbs up before the question got deleted.  

    I asked another one if you want to check it out.

  12. I just want to offer my experience and let people take from it what they will. Perhaps sometimes I offend people because I can be very outspoken, however I am not judging anyone and am not telling them what they should do only what I would do.

    The people I really dislike on this site are the ones that try to make woman feel like bad mothers because they don't breast feed.

    In answer to the "baby" question my son is called Yusuf Asad which is Arabic for Joseph Leo which was the name of my dearly loved grandfather who died 3 years ago. (my grandfathers name was the English version by the way).

  13. Sort of. There's a lot of negative people on it now.

    My first daughter is slightly named after my mother. Her name is Audrey, but everyone started using that name in my family, so I opted for Aubrey as a middle name for my daughter.

    The baby im pregnant with now is going to be named Avery Rowan. Avery isn't a family name, but Rowan is after my grandpa.

  14. You're not alone.

    My first son, no.

    My second one, his middle name is Michael. Which is my brother's name, my dad's middle name, and one of my hubby's uncles (who is now deceased).

    We do have a middle name 'theme' though, lol. Both of their middle names are also the names of angels. The oldest one's middle name is Gabriel.

  15. My son is named after Shel Silverstein - hippy, free-thinking, goofball, believer in kids' intelligence, believer in the human spirit, who also had a very adult wicked, twisted sense of humor.  

    And, I find the drama both entertaining and kind of sad.  

    I honestly don't mind people voicing their opinions, even if that opinion is 'sorry, I think you're wrong in every way'.  If the person who is 'wrong' knows that they are 'right', then why don't they just dismiss the judgement as babbling insanity?  And, if they do feel that the judgement might have a hint of truth in it, then it sounds like it's time for some self-evaluation, growth & change.  

  16. I don't know, I guess I don't mind the drama, it's a bit expected whenever you are discussing babies.  Every parent thinks the way they do things is the right way and easily can come off as passing judgment.

    My daughter's middle name was named after her great grandmother.

  17. No ,he is not named after anyone special, though in hindsight I wish I would have spent more time coming up with a middle name that was a bit more meaningful.  But there is always the next one!

    Yes, now to your "real question".  Questions getting deleted, people just being rude and sanctimonious.  So, where are we going to have our little gossip circle first, your place or mine?

    Ellie-Thank God he didn't go with his first choice, Chewie.

  18. My daughter has my husband's mom's first name (Shirley) and my mom's middle name (Kay).  Both grandmas died before my husband and I even met, so we thought it would be a nice tribute to them.

    My oldest son is a second, and hopefully I'll have a grandson who is a third some day. :-)

    My third baby is Thomas Michael, named after Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Hardy and my brother Michael.

    I'm pregnant with my fourth.  According to the blurry ultrasound it's a boy.  The name I picked doesn't have any special meaning.  I just like it.  Benjamin Leoric.  Benji for short.  If the ultrasound is wrong and I'm having a girl (is it wrong of me to hope for this?) I'll name her Flossie Jane.  My great-grandma was named Flossie and my grandma's and my middle name are Jane.  I like it. :)

  19. I agree with you. My daughter's middle name is named after her great-grandma that passed away when I was only 2. My son is named after his great-uncle and his middle name is after my husbands brother. Finally, my other daughter is named after my husbands grandmother :)

  20. I was thinking yesterday about taking a break, but then what would I do with my spare I usually don't get on here on the weekends, so that can be my break for now. Anyway, my son's middle name is for his great-grandfather. His first name I just picked because I liked it.

  21. LOL yup! And what happened to the "bad mom" thread? It's gone now and I didn't get to see how many thumbs down I got =(

    But yeah, it's getting a little old. There are quite a few people on here who seem to think they know everything, and are perfect parents. I guess people can't understand that every parent has the right to choose how their child is raised, that Y!A is set up to be a place for people to give firsthand experience of things that worked for them, and that nobody has the right to judge another persons parental abilities.

    But who am I to say that, right?

    And my son isn't really named after anyone, but my mom's middle name starts with a D, and she gave D Middle names to me and my 3 brothers, so I had to carry on the tradition, thus my son's middle name is Dane.  

  22. I'm totally with you. I've been thinking about taking some time off and actually focusing at work on actually doing my job. I will miss my contacts though.

    And my baby is named after Obi Won Kanobi (or however you spell it) from Star Wars. Not special to my life...but my husband is a huge nerd.

    Interesting thought Aaron's Mommy...he does kind of sound like a wookie.

  23. My son's name is Tristan (because I love the movie Legends of the Fall) and his middle name is Robert after my Dad.

    My favorite thing about Y.A is people ask questions about a sick baby and have not even called the doctor yet. It's weird to me! Then when  you tell them to call the doctor they yell at you. WTF.

  24. My son's first name is Jacob, not really named after anyone we know...his middle name is Christopher, which is my husband's name. When/If we have a little girl her middle name will be Diane- both of our mother's names. His mom passed away in 2000 and my mom is still around.

    BTW- I am sick to death of all the drama and BS on here too.

  25. No, it's not just you. Back in the day, when I was a regular always trying to help out others, drama occurred as well and turned me off to this site for the longest time. There will always be drama, always be judgment. The best thing to do is to turn the other cheek. I have made lots of good friends along the way from Y/A and have learned a lot from other mommies. Don't worry...just be the bigger person and focus on the good things.

    As for the baby question, my son's name is a mix of his father's full name, with one letter changed. It was important to me to keep my last name because my father has no sons. It didn't go too well with the in laws, I can assure you, but now they love the name.  

  26. My son's middle name is after my brother, who died when I was 16.

    Burned out, yes.  A bit.  But there's only so much new information on Casey/Caylee Anthony that I can look at on the internet!!!!!  :)

  27. Austin was my mother's maiden name (she passed away earlier this year from cancer) and Edward (middle name) is my father-in-law's and my grandfather's middle name....  He's named after alot of special people!!

  28. You are not alone! I've been feeling the same way lately. A lot of drama going on and I don't do well with drama. But, I've tried to stay away and just can't. I couldn't abandon my friends.

    About the baby name... no, my daughter isn't named after anyone. We thought about using a family name, but couldn't come up with any that sounded right with our last name. So, she is named after herself. lol

  29. Not yet, Im kind of new to this, but I am dramatic Mother and I have asked the same question a few tims, but only to see if other people would answer it- And, eventually I had to make myself stop bc everyone was getting angry with me :(

    My Daughters middle name is after her Great Grandma- She was an extrmely special person in my life, but she passed when I was 10.

  30. Yes.... lots of drama and too much judgement. I actually deleted my yahoo account last week because I was just so annoyed at having my question deleted. I still don't understand why. Plus since I deleted my account they went and made me a top contibutor. Argh. I was kicking myself. And now I had to wait 13 hours to answer your question because I'd reached my daily limit as I'm back at Level 1.

    My sons middle name is David just like my dad. (almost forgot to answer your "real question." Lol.

  31. You are definitely not the only one that feels this way. I feel like I try to answer how I wish someone else would for me..but well lots of drama,I guess.

    My one daughters middle name is Janae..because her gma's name is Jan(my mom) not my favorite so we branched it out a little. My youngest daughters middle name is Eileen which was after my BFF of 24 years..we have not talked in 3(on purpose) great plan I had there,huh?

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