
Anyone else find it ironic about Democrats...?

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Democrats always say they are for a woman's right to choose what they do with their bodies and yet democrats want to force people to quit smoking. Isn't it their body to choose if they want to destroy it with cigarettes?




  1. excellent observation, hey if i can kill a human life kicking inside me

    because i have the right to have what i want in my body or out of my body, i elect to have nicotine up the ying yang..that's my right

    where does the stop-sign come into play,,,better still why is it coming into play i will tell u why the Democrats are for more Government control hey energy crisis we have  bone up and do our part, your cold put on an extra sweater don't turn that heat on..there will be heat police, a/c police, food police, cig's police,swearing police

    ******** police thats not a country i want to live in h**l i can go anywhere plenty of Police States for me to choose from. Florida already a year now gearing up for a smoke free state, ad's all over the

    place..they will starve come tourist season if they continue this dictatorship attitude its not a trend that will catch on hopefully there will be a revolution against the pigs trying to strip us of our rights those pig's being the Chuck Shumars of this Country,the Pelosi's, the Kennedy's, all the garbage, they are like whats at the bottom of the ocean Whale Shite

  2. That's not the only thing I find hypocr, er, ironic about Democrats.

  3. The analogy between a woman's right to choose and smoking cigarettes is a little more complicated than you may think.  If you examine the actual holding in Roe v. Wade, you would find the Court said that government has an overriding ability to intercede when a woman may want to terminate her pregnancy in the third trimester. During the first trimester, the woman's right to choose is paramount. It is in the second trimester that facts and circumstances and other issues including rape, incest, harm to life of the mother, etc., come into play. With the abortion question, you're focused on discrete facts involving a woman and the fetus.  With smoking, however, far more people and clearly defined costs come into play. Without even bringing second hand smoke hazards into the discussion, smoking  affects our national economy and overburdens our health-care industry with increased cardio-vascular disease, COPD, emphysema, shorter life spans, loss of work productivity for health reasons.  It's just a huge cost to our society. No doubt a case can be made regarding the social cost of abortion. I'd be interested in seeing those statistics and comparing them with the costs involved with smoking cigarettes.

  4. I do believe that ALL POLITICIANS ARE LIARS and therefore anything they say and they "believe in" is only for their good cause and to buy your vote.

  5. What a silly comparison!  When people are smoking in closed areas (ie. restaurants, bars, etc) they are effecting people who are all around them.  Cigarettes haven't been outlawed, just restricted so that others who do not care to breath second hand smoke aren't effected.  I know smokers who actually support the ban of smoking in public places.  It's kind of the same as not allowing people who are drinking alcohol to get in a car and drive.  

    What exactly does this have to do with making the very very personal decision to have an abortion?  

  6. What choice did non-smoking  have who didn't want to breathe the smoke?  Now they can breathe free.

    People can still smoke, anyway, aren't cigarettes still legal?

  7. There's a lot of hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle!

  8. Dude, what a stupid question. Smoking and prostitution are two totally different things. Prostitution can't kill you. Smoking can. I think that its great that Democrats are saying a woman has the right to chose what she wants to do with her body, and I also think it's great that they are trying to stop people from smoking. Do you know how many people die every day from smoking?  And some of those dead people didn't even smoke! Some of them inhaled second hand smoke!

    Sheesh. If you don't like it, don't vote for them.

  9. well said

  10. I don't want to force anyone to quit smoking. What they want to do with their own bodies is up to them- it's not for me to decide.  

  11. Which Democrats are forcing people to quit smoking?  I haven't heard of this.  People aren't allowed to smoke in public places for public health reasons and some employers are forcing people to stop smoking or lose their jobs but they're not Democrats.  

  12. You made this up.  Democrats aren't forcing people to quit smoking. Some very prominent Democrats are smokers.  

  13. Brilliant and absolutely yes!

    But of course, you forget that fact that it's not those people making those decisions, they were FORCED to smoke by evil tobacco companies who "misled" them into thinking smoking was okay and making the product better to satisfy their customers.  So it's not their fault.

    Besides, Democrats ALWAYS know what's best for you.

    Just listen to them already.

  14. I promise to

    1. Put Mooseburgers on every American menu

    2. Make hunting and fishing part of the high school graduation requirements

    3. Ensure you carry your baby full-term no matter what.  I did it.

    4. Send your daughters to the front line along with your sons

    and finally

    5. Cover D.C. with ice so my husband has transportation.

    This I SWEAR to you.

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