
Anyone else find it suspicious the China has such a large lead in Gold Medals at the Olympics?

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The Olympics they just happen to be hosting?




  1. Not me..

  2. No, I don't find it to be suspicious. I find your question to be inane.

  3. The user above (Jessica B) who posted here and everywhere else used same lines above trying to insult and damage China as much as possible in every questions about Olympics.

    it's China's first Olympics to rank first on gold. This human trash can't accept it and start posting hate speech toward China everywhere. What a hypocrite.

  4. What does 孫子兵法 translate to , epic jealous worthless failure, I'm thinking so.

  5. yea they cheat cause there on their own country

  6. Well they have 1.3 billion people to chose from to become Olympians, and they have been training like mad to win as many gold medals as possible and not disappoint their country.

  7. It would be a shame if they didn't since the have athlete farms that take kids from their parents at age 3 to start training..

  8. It's not that surprising.  Every country gets a "home court boost" when it hosts the Olympics.  Look at Greece in 2004, Australia in 2000, the US in 1996, etc.  That's just part of it - competing in front of your home-country fans is an incredible boost.  A couple other reasons - China is really a great sports country when it comes to Olympics sports.  The country has focused on winning medals in the Olympics, so it determines at an early age what athletes will compete and what even they'll compete in.  The athletes work at it every day for years.  So, it's not surprising they're leading the gold medals.  Also, the judges of the events aren't from China.  Judges area always from various countries around the world.

    Nice try.  I'm sure many people share your suspicions, but I just don't think it's the case.

  9. ... you make me laugh. But umm.. no???? This is CHINA you're talking about.

  10. 1. They are the host country

    2. They use underage athletes

    3. The judges are biased, & give the best score to the Chinese

    4. The Chinese are obviously willing to do anything to avoid embarrassment as the host country, & have proved that many times (ex-lip sync, underage athletes, hiding the real city behind pretty murals)

    ((Even worse, is they are getting away with it, b/c the IOC won't bother!!!))

    5. The have no ethics

    6. They train their athletes hard everyday, while they away from families.

    7. They cheat, lie, hide facts, and simply aren't winning fairly

    *Don't worry, next Olymics they will rank much lower again, like they always have.

  11. No more so than the USA winning both gold medal and overall medal count at the Atlanta olympics.

    Even if they were elsewhere there is a huge chance that they'd still be in the lead.  They've been developing thier teams for a while - their gymnastics and diving teams are both excellent.

    They've always been stellar in table tennis and badminton too.  Ditto with Judo.

    Their athletes woudl have medaled in Argentina or Finland or wherever else they may have held the olympics.

  12. Don't be silly

    As a host nation they are automatically qualified for all events so the odds are always in flavour of the host.

    I saw them strengthening on their strong events such as diving, weight lifting and gymnastics without too many unnecessary mistakes. so they are keeping most of the medals they should get.

    And they are extending their lead on many other events which is hardly their traditional sports such as shooting, archery, fencing etc.

    Even on events they already lost, they have earned my respect on many sports such as basket balls, tennis and men's volleyball.

    And they are only grewing stronger....

  13. its called home advantage...

  14. it appears that you are jealous of there achievements  

  15. Is this a sign of ignorance or paranoid, maybe both?

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