
Anyone else find the virgo stereotype incredibly inaccurate?

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Everywhere I go to read about virgos always seems to describe us in a way which makes us sound like stuck up people with OCD....Does anyone else agree? Have you ever met anyone who actually fits the stereotype?....How would you descibe a virgo?




  1. Well I am a Virgo myself and sadly I see myself fitting in the stereotype as well.  I'm extremely clean, scheduled, sarcastic, organized, critical, all that fun stuff :)  But I also love helping people a lot.  I know some other Virgos and they are very much the same as me!  So no I think the Virgo stereotype is correct usually.  It really depends on your rising sign and entire birth chart though.

  2. I'm a virgo and I don't fit the stereotype completely. Sure I like to be clean and stuff but I'm not arrogant nor judgmental.

    But I think it also depends on your rising sign and moon sign.

  3. I think it depends on the Virgo; ie the whole birthchart.  Also, the men and women are definetly different.

    As far as the men go, they are very business oriented, and they always look impeccable, so I think their appearance makes people think that since they expect perfection out of themselves, they expect it out of others.  This will depend on the person.

    As far as the women, many are very business oriented, but whether they are highly productive or not, most of the Virgos I know lean toward a very businessy look; however, they add a lot of color.  Their dress style is businessy, but NOT boring.  Also the most talkative people I have ever come across.  Not every single Virgo woman I know, but the majority.  Also, the majority are quite funny.  The words "Shock Value" comes to mind

    I know three Virgo men rather well.  All of them very kind/thoughtful, yet take charge type of people.  They are all outspoken about their beliefs, and try very hard to get you to see things their way.  Until you say "yeah (insert name) your'e right", they will keep talking.  I cannot be around any of these people for too long of a time, because of this, but I do appreciate them quite a bit.  

    I know three Virgo women rather well.  The first Virgo is very self-involved, and s****..  I have known her most of my life, but just cannot be around her for too long of a stretch. She is very tightly wrapped.  The second Virgo is a rather good friend.  She is very caring, versatile, polite, humorous, intelligent.  She does have her rituals/set patterns, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with that if it keeps her life together.  The third Virgo is a family member.  If I had one word to describe her, it would be wacky (its a compliment).  Her life is VERY orderly; however, she is very fun, very open to others opinions, others environments, and can kind find humor in anything.      

    So all in all, orderliness is a commonality in all the Virgos I know well, as well as aquaintances, but it does not mean that is all they are about.  Its a very good trait anyway.  As far as s****., I can think of only one s****. Virgo (the one I mentioned).

    Stereotypes just get out of hand.

  4. I've met a lot of virgos that very much fit the stereotype, actually. So much so in fact that it's striking.

    They are very stingy, super neat and organised (both physically and mentally), and like for everyone to do things they way THEY want them to. But they are also very helpful and very quick-thinking.

    I'm sure there are virgos out there who are less aggressive and condescending in their attitudes and tendencies, however.

  5. I know a couple of virgos, and they were all extrememly analytical, negative, and arrogant, so yes they did fulfill the stereotypes, but not every virgo is like this of course.  

  6. Me!

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