
Anyone else find this a little ridiculous?!?

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I am just curious as to why questions like "Does chicken make your breast grow?" or questions like this one ended up with like 7 answers and a serious question that belongs in the pregnancy/parenting section like "What are the symptoms of a cold in a newborn?" only got 2 answers!! Just curious if anyone else finds this a little ridiculous!!?




  1. The first one is more interesting than the second one. It all depends on who is on at the time you're asking. I don't particularly find it ridiculous, just a bit weird.

  2. The real thing IS,

    they inject chickens with growth hormones

    for bigger legs (PETA SUPPORTER) which

    makes them not be able to walk. This goes into your body

    and effects YOUR growth hormones which causes

    bigger b*****s and/or a period starting (if you haven't already)

  3. As crazy as some of the questions are on here if someone does not ask then they will not know the answer.

    Like i have always heard there is no stupid question.

  4. I don't find it too ridiculous, actually. Yes, it can be frustrating but can anyone really say that this is a place of "experts"? People are more likely to answer "silly" questions because they don't take it seriously and the consequences of a wrong answer wouldn't be serious. What would you prefer? A silly answer to a serious question or a serious answer to a silly question?  

  5. Because stupid people answer stupid questions. Not to mention the stupid people that ask the stupid questions.

  6. So is it true? Does chicken make your breast grow?

  7. People like to leave smart @$$ answers more than answer a legitimate question. You will see it a lot on here. For example:

    Q: I'm 16, the condom broke, and now I'm pregnant. How do I tell my parents?

    A: Your a slu* that should have kept her legs closed in the first place! Now I am going to have to pay for YOUR child because you wont be able to raise it and will have to be on welfare. You are a stupid little girl!

    Did this answer the question? No. Does it violate yahoo! answers guidelines? yes. Does it still happen every day? yes. Is it ridiculous? YES!!!!

    I'm glad someone finally said it!

  8. stupid things interest people this is evident by all the reality tv thats on i mean for real who wants to watch people on tv lose weight but its on tv. people enjoy stupid stuff and find basic important things uninteresting.

  9. I know! This happens to me a lot, and yes it is frustrating. Maybe because a question like 'Does chicken make your breast grow?' isn't a serious matter that if you get it wrong wont change any lifes. But with 'What are the symptoms of a cold in a newborn?' That is more serious if it is wrong, and people don't want a baby to be affected just  because of their answer.

    Good luck!

  10. it is ridiculous...cause people are amused by stupidity..therefore they give sarcastic answers..its a little sad

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