
Anyone else get a "visitor" to their 360 today and found as they are in another country you cannot block them?

by  |  earlier

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Y!A please the guy is harrassing everyone now it is getting rather sad




  1. who do you mean?

  2. I had a visitor on my 360. I answered with a smiley saying 'was?' No reply though.

  3. i got a visitor fog,not sure who it is though.x.

  4. I did'nt get him..But I know who you mean and it is time for him to grow up and act his age now...Instead of acting his shoe size which is probably small match his intellect.

  5. Yes you can, you know how  xxxxxx

  6. God d**n foreigners, mess up everything  

  7. is his name "Your Attorney" by any chance?

  8. I have not, but you can block anyone - it doesn't matter their country. Y/A isn't going to help, as it is a separate service that doesn't have a connection to 360 besides the 360 image picture and link in the Y/A profile.

    These are steps you can take right now.

    1) Delete the messages and/or comments. And pretend that you never had a mysterious, harassing visitor. There is no need to respond to the person at all.

    2) Ignore the person (see for how to use that feature).

    3) Ignoring someone doesn't stop them from commenting on the page. However, this is why you have 360 permissions to stop such action. See for more information on permissions.

    If the ignored person IS NOT a connected friend:

    You will have to change your Top Page and Blog comments from "Public" permissions to "Friends" permissions.


    - In your "My Page," click on the "Settings" link for the comment module (in lower left corner of the page).

    - In the "Allow comments by:" drop down, set it to "Just Me (Private)."

    - Uncheck the "enable quick comments box" as well. NOTE: Unchecking this prevents everyone from commenting. Checking it allows everyone to comment. There's no separating into categories here.

    - Click the "Save" button.


    Click "Edit Blog Settings" link on your "My Blog" page. Change the permission for "Who can post comments to your blog" to Friends. Click the "Save" button.

    4) If somehow the person STILL harasses you AFTER doing the above, while logged in, go to the Abuse form at

    Please provide the following information:

    * Web address of the Yahoo! 360° page (e.g., of numbers and letters). Click on the comment/message's picture or name & it will lead you back to the offending 360 space.

    * State exactly happened. Be specific. Do not type in all capitals. But stay on topic. If you can site a violation of either 360 guidelines ( ) or Yahoo Terms of Service ( , from section 6), that will help your case.

    *The Yahoo! ID and/or email address of the person who is harassing you. Find out any information you can on the person, that you can add to the complaint.

    Whether something is done, is up to Yahoo. But you can certainly submit the form as many times as necessary.

    NOTE: If somehow the person is getting to you via other means besides 360 (like IM, e-mail, etc), see those services' help pages for how to block them.

    5) Your last resort: Close the old 360 space and start a new 360 space.

    Make sure that they have completely cleared the old page. And do let "TRUSTED" contacts know about the impending move. Record in a text file all their 360 web page addresses, so that it will be easy to find them and invite again.

    On this new 360, make sure that personal information is kept off the top page that the harasser can use to find you. Don't post a 360 image of yourself in the personal profile pic area. The safest option is to confine anything personal to the blog area and make the blog only visible to connected friends via permissions. Use a new nickname, of course.

    Also, be aware of safe computing practices:

    Lastly, feel free to contact the police about any potential Internet crimes.

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