
Anyone else get frustrated with OB's office?

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I love my OB, but she had a baby so I have been seeing the nurse practitioner for a while. My husband had bloodwork done since I am RH negative, and this was back in June. They still havent "found" the results and since my hubby doesnt have health insurance for another month I paid for the bloodwork. now i have to get a shot (in m a**) which could have been avoided if they had the results. All this nurse lady does is tell me how much weight i have gained and emphasizes the need for exercise ( i have only gained 20 lbs so far and she makes it seem like 100). she takes the heartbeat for 1 second and doesnt say anything. Everytime I go to the OB i leave with more questions. is this just my OB?




  1. at my OBs office there are in a practice of three and you have to meet with each one of them at least one time. well one of three of them is just like you described and i refuse to see her when i go in unfortunately for me they all take turns at the hospital so i don't have a choice which one delivers my baby unless i get induced so i have just been hoping i will have her on either a tuesday or a wednesday so i get my favorite doctor.. so i get my favorite  

  2. No, its not just your OB.  Back at 26 weeks I took my glucose test and they told me the results and I passed so I thought that was the end of it.  Well at 30 weeks they told me that they lost my results and don't remember if I passed or not so I had to take it again.  I hate getting my blood taken so to have to do it again because of their mistake made me really mad.  I also never get my questions answered at my apts.  I have been having really bad pain in my stomach and all the doctor said is "well your urine looks good so its not a UTI so we aren't going to worry about it."  Well the pain has still been going on and I really think it is something more than normal pregnancy pains.  Also at the last apt my blood pressure was high when the nurse took it and the Dr didn't even say anything about it and I tried to ask him but he left so quickly I didn't get a chance.  I also hate the fact that we wait for 15 - 30 minutes in the waiting room and then get to spend 1- 2 minutes with the Dr.

  3. That's just your OB, and maybe some other unlucky women.  My dr is very nice and has all results for me by the next day.  I would switch If I was you, I know its late in the game, but you'll feel a lot better with someone your happy with, and not just the nurse.  I know I wouldn't be happy with just a nurse, especially one like that.

  4. Yes.  I'd definitely look into finding a different one or another one in the same office.  I'm sorry that's happening to you.  Both of my OB's were great.  I especially loved the male one I had with my second.  Actually at the time i loved the first, but now I won't let a female touch me ever again.  Personal choice of course, hope it turns out good for you.  And by the way, my oldest's birthday is November 30th.  

  5. I have a high risk pregnancy doctor as well as my regular OB. My regular doctor couldn't be more thorough and he listens when I need to ask him questions. The high risk doctor doesn't return phone calls and they aren't very friendly at that office. I would look for someone else, if I was you. Best of luck!

  6. You should switch doctors or practitioners within the office.  Because they lost the bloodwork, they should pay for the retest.  I would insist on it.  When I have had botched lab work as a result of the doctor's mistake or loss, the doctor has always paid for it.  

  7. That's just your ob. Is there someone else at the office that can care for you while your regular is away? You are suppose to be comfortable and be able to talk to them about anything regarding your health or your baby's health. I would definitely look into seeing someone else at that practice if at all possible. If she is concerned about weight gain she should make suggestions! There has to be someone you can voice an opinion to about her poor service. When I had that problem I switched PRONTO Hope something works out for you.

  8. I had a similar problem at the beginning of my pregnancy. I switched doctors and I couldn't be happier. If you do not want to switch so late, you should tell them how you are feeling and let them know you are unhappy with their service.Good luck with this. I know it's hard.  

  9. They dont need the test done on your husband! All they have to do is give you RH factor when you go into labor or before labor. It wont hurt you and will protect the baby. Just insist they give it to you.  

  10. Time to switch doctors or at least request a new nurse practitioner.  You are in charge of your health and your baby's.  Therefore you have the right to demand to speak openly with your doctor about all concerns, and feel comfortable.  Now more than ever you should feel secure and safe the hands of your doctor and not just one of the many women in line to see them.  I would demand to sit down with your nurse practitioner and tell them you want some time to talk about your progress and what to expect etc.

  11. I got really poor care from a nurse practicioner as well. I would insist on seeing a different OB if yours is not available.  You have that right.  I'd also talk to your insurance agency to see  where you can go if you need to switch practices.  

  12. Sounds like she's not doing a good job filling in her for co-worker. I would speak up and tell that your not pleased with the service you've been given so far.

  13. It sounds like they are a little irresponsible.  Also, i am RH negative and my husband never had to get a blood test.  I always got the shot because it has to do with our body and the way it might react to future babies.  My doctor also told me that i should stop gaining weight.  But we talked about it and she hasn't made any rude remarks or said anything more.  All pregnancies are different and everyone gains a different amount of weight.  And as long as you don't go off the deep end (like 60 lbs)  then you shouldn't go with what a book might say.  If you have questions than just ask them.  Pregnancy is hard enough without wondering about the unknown in your body.  Good luck

  14. Unfortunatly it's just you. I had to switch OB's at like 5 months and I was very frustrated with my new OB because the receptionists were rude. Once I actually met the nurses and the doc everything is great. I would think about switching docs if I were you. I wish I could tell you different!! :( Good Luck!!

  15. go somewhere elts, mine is so kind and considerate, and if i have a question during the week even the office will call her up and she will get right back to me

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