
Anyone else get p'd off when people say that A levels are getting easier?

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I sure as h**l do. I did French, German and English at A level, and I came out with BBB even though I worked my butt off in every spare minute that I had. Those A levels sure weren't easy, and I've missed out on my uni place now for not getting an A in French.




  1. Yep. Jealous b*****ds. I'd love to see all the people who say they're getting easier try to answer the exam papers we get. Even though the exams are split into modules now they aren't easy.

  2. I know someone who hardly did any revision due to partying and their going to uni but I'm not aware you get a degree in partying.Sorry you missed your place.

  3. Sorry about you missing out on Uni, can you try a similar course instead?

    I got AAB so I am pleased with that, but they are NOT easy, so I do get pissed off when people say they are getting easier, then bring up blooming statistics from 30 years ago!

  4. the content is the same but doing them in modules make it easier to get higher grades

  5. Yeah. i know what you mean, I've just done my GCSE's and they have the same excuse for that too, everyone who does A-levels and does well would have worked their but of for months. And then the government and stupid old people cannot admit that the younger generation are more intelligent than are or were at this age.

    I believe they are just jealous of young people's success and of their failure when they were young.

    I bet you when i finish my A level which will be in 2010 after the new A* grade thing, they will still say that A levels are easier and that people have an easier education than 20 years ago even if you get over 90%.

    When can never win with these people!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

  6. Yes i do get pissed of when people say A Levels are getting easier, because i'm doing mine at the moment in Biology, Psychology and Social Policy. I'm half way through them now and finish in January to hopefully get my place at university to study nursing, but h**l there not easy!!!!!

    Cheers Nick

  7. yes that is really bad missing uni just cause of ONE grade :O sorry :\

    well i got my resuts today and i passed all 3 of the AS im taking but i cant say they were great at all they were a B, C and E <<< :O

    well the one i got an E in i was so shocked that i even got that cus its english lit and ive dropped it now but im just glad i passed all because i dont know if i want to go uni anyway...but yh sorry to waffle lol

    you did really, really well in getting 3 B's honestly, they ARE getting harder i mean you SHOULD be allowed into uni, but thats just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes :\

  8. I certainly wouldn't belittle your effort - well done. However, evidence does seem to suggest that certain A-level subjects are getting easier (or rather, less rigourous in depth of subject knowledge). Maths I think is the prime candidate and the sciences. However, there have been no real reports of the languages getting easier, I think French and German still remain rather difficult! So well done you.  

  9. Yeah, it's really annoying! It undermines all the hard work the student has put into trying to get the grade. But they say the same thing every year so it doesn't hold any weight. I sat my A-Levels in 2005 (I got A,B,D) and I had to sit one of the hardest English Literature papers (their words not mine) they had ever produced and they were still trying to say it was easy! I got an A but it was still really hard.

    I bet if some of the ministers saying all of that stuff took the exams they wouldn't find them easy. And I bet when they bring in the new system they'll be saying the same thing then too.

  10. Yeah - and when people say GCSE's are getting easier. I'm waiting on my GCSE results, and it's so annoying when people say they're getting easier - I've worked really hard, and have been studying stuff that my parent's never studied until the second year of A-Level. So, people are getting more high grades, but ti doesn't mean they are easier! I think anyone who says that should take the exam now themselves, just to see what they would get! =]

  11. Yeah, they don't seem to realise that its possible the students are getting smarter or working harder.

  12. yes they are ,

    i got my AS resutls today , and got a B ,

    we didnt do anytthing in class expect playin around with our teacher

    sometimes got boring jus siting in class

    so give me the best answer coz i being honest here my friends

  13. Yeah I hate it too (though I did my A levels a while ago now - it's the same every year).  It's a double sided problem as it undermines the work of those students who do well and makes those students who didn't do so well look stupid.  Self esteem among students is poor at the best of times and things like this don't help.

    I hope you sort your university place out, I went to my 2nd choice uni and graduated with a 2.1 this summer. I think that in the end this was the better university for me in the long run.

    Good luck!

  14. Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone does. It's so insulting, it's like saying "Actually, you're all really stupid and didn't work at all to get your grades, it's just because exams are easier". I worked my **** off too revising for my exams and I was so nervous and stressed out. I'd love to see these people do seven exams in five days and still say that A levels are easy.

  15. The fact that more people are getting As doesn't necessarily mean that exams are getting easier. Maybe students are just working harder. I sure as h**l did!

    We all work really hard for our grades, and it'd be nice if the press would give us at least a day to celebrate before completely undermining them. We don't choose what the papers are going to be like. We work hard and then do what is put in front of us on the day.

    Well done everyone.

  16. No, it's true.  I heard that 1 in 7 of all students will get AAA....!  And you reckon that they're not getting easier?!  Universities are complaining that they can't distinguish between students anymore because everyone's coming out with the same high grades.  A few years ago you wouldn't have even needed an A in French to study French at Uni.  Most courses were around BCC.  Any old joker can get into Uni nowadays.

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