
Anyone else getting ready for the coming Iceage?

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THE scariest photo I have seen on the internet is, where you will find a real-time image of the sun from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, located in deep space at the equilibrium point between solar and terrestrial gravity.

What is scary about the picture is that there is only one tiny sunspot.

Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously.

All four agencies that track Earth's temperature (the Hadley Climate Research Unit in Britain, the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the Christy group at the University of Alabama, and Remote Sensing Systems Inc in California) report that it cooled by about 0.7C




  1. I hope im dead when it happens.

  2. I just put my long underwear away what to do what to do.

  3. Ice ages come & ice ages go, but the final trend is to GLOBAL WARMING.

    There is NO doubt about it!

    Sun spot normal cycle is 11 years.  It goes from almost no spots, to a great many.


    As the sun burns up it's supply of fuel, and becomes less dense, it will become a red giant and expand to consume Mercury, Venus, and Earth.

    It has already started.

    Our sun is in it's death phase.  

    You have only 5 million more years to live.

    Goodbye cold cruel world.


    P.S.  Didn't God say that the next time He destroyed the Earth, it would be by FIRE?

    I believe Him.


  4. It is not coming in this lifetime.

    Watch "An Inconvenient Truth"

    By Al Gore

  5. Kudos to you for being knowledgeable enough to do research and come to the understanding that the past 100 years of global warming has virtually been wiped out in the past year alone by the 0.7-C change in the climate.

    As George Carlin said, "The Earth will be fine.... Humans are the ones who are screwed"

    The Earth has been through Ice Ages, Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Tsunami's, Meteor showers, and countless other devastating events....... what makes us think that recycling cans and newspapers will "save the planet"?  The planet has been here for millions of years... in comparison, we are a minute species.

    That's not to say that I don't applaud the companies such as the one that is being brought into the town that I live.... that is going to take garbage and turn it into energy; thereby ridding our county of landfills.  OR solar powr, wind power, or any other alternative method to sustain ourselves other than depleting this Earth's natural resources.  I'm an avid recycler myself... I do my part.  

    But everyone else needs to humble themselves, here.  The Earth will be fine - it's going through another "cycle".  Bundle up..... it's about to get pretty darn cold outside!

  6. not really / i think i'll cross that bridge when i get to it

  7. Fear mongering... there is a reason this was printed in the 'opinion' section. The sun is not completely understood by astronomers, they are still studying the heck out of it trying to get a handle on all the specifics.

    The most important thing to remember about this kind of science is that we don't know what the sun looked like before/during the last ice age. We've only been watching closely through high-powered instruments for a short time astronomically speaking. A tiny fluctuation, as in this article, isn't something to sound alarm bells.

  8. I saw a show on that!

  9. I'm stockpiling Sterno heating cans so I can cook my rice and beans.

  10. so how many years of fire wood and food supplies do you think I will need

  11. The earth's temperature isn't declining; the five year mean continues to increase.

    The four agencies comment: that was over a period of ONE MONTH. You need to look at long term data to make accurate predictions.

  12. The eleven year solar cycle is at it's bottom.

    This cycle will soon reverse.

    This is a La Nina year, the opposite of El Nino

    La Nina years are generally cooler.

    Yes, today it was announced that this was the coolest winter in the contiguous United States since the winter of 2001, which incidentally was also a La Nina year.

    The earth is not cooling.

    "The combined global land and ocean surface temperature was the 16th warmest on record for the December 2007-February 2008 period (0.58°F/0.32°C above the 20th century mean of 53.8°F/12.1°C). The presence of a moderate-to-strong La Niña contributed to an average temperature that was the coolest since the La Niña episode of 2000-2001."

    Here's last year's figures

    "In the U.S., the December 2006-February 2007 winter season had an overall temperature that was near average, according to scientists at the NOAA National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. Precipitation was above average in much of the center of the nation, while large sections of the East, Southeast and West were drier than average. The global average temperature was the warmest on record for the December-February period."

    Global Highlights

    "The combined global land and ocean surface temperature was the sixth warmest on record in February, but a record warm January helped push the winter (December-February) to its highest value since records began in 1880 (1.30 degrees F/0.72 degrees C above the 20th century mean). El Niño conditions contributed to the season’s record warmth, but the episode rapidly weakened in February, as ocean temperatures in the central equatorial Pacific cooled more than 0.5 degrees F/0.3 degrees C and were near average for the month."

    "Separately, the global December-February land-surface temperature was the warmest on record, while the ocean-surface temperature tied for second warmest in the 128-year period of record, approximately 0.1 degree F (0.06 degrees C) cooler than the record established during the very strong El Niño episode of 1997-1998."

    "During the past century, global surface temperatures have increased at a rate near 0.11 degrees F (0.06 degrees C) per decade, but the rate of increase has been three times larger since 1976, or 0.32 degrees F (0.18 degrees C) per decade, with some of the largest temperature increases occurring in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere."

  13. No one will be ready for any ice age.

    Remember the enviros have made it near impossible to create or harvest energy.

    Just the cold shutting down food production should make enviros happy with mass starvation = their depopulation program.

    Here is another web page that shows that sunspot cycles have broken out of the 11 year cycle and maybe the solar  minimum is coming/started?

  14. You can't always believe the first source you find. While it could be true that this might happen, you should always check other sources first. You know, a while ago people were saying that sun spots were increasing. It isn't that I agree or disagree with what you are saying, but I hate when people turn everything into a huge, imminent threat. This is as bad as the Global Warming alarmist propaganda (again, not to say I don't believe in that either).

    If that makes sense... :)

  15. You're behind the times, and analyzing data poorly.  The 0.7°C "cooling" was based on taking the difference between the hottest single month on record (January 2007) and a relatively cool month due to La Nina (January 2008).  March 2008 returned to normal temps because La Nina has begun to dissipate.  In fact, March was 0.5°C warmer than January, so based on your logic, you should be worried about runaway global warming, not an ice age.;...

    Though in reality we shouldn't be looking at individual months at all, but at the long-term trend, which obviously continues upward:

    As for solar activity, the 11-year solar cycle has little effect on global temperatures.  Rapidly increasing greenhouse gases will easily overwhelm any decreased solar activity.

  16. Nice article.

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