
Anyone else getting their A Level results soon?

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I'm getting mine on Thursday :s

I've got the Edexcel results slip so I can find out my Eng. Lit and Lang at 6am and Media and Drama at 9am. Not forgetting General studies!

Anyone else? Any thoughts on what you'll get?




  1. I am!

    Good luck on yours Emmabear!

  2. I'm getting my A2 results on Thursday! History, Eng Lit and Health & Social Care. After getting the pre release for Eng Lit I think i'm destined to fail.. it was a truely c**p pre release, nothing like we'd revised! Out of the three history exams I had, I have definitely failed one of them. And for h+sc, I think I have passed as it was mainly coursework based. Good luck with your results! You find out earlier than me - mine are free to collect from 9:30 lol.

  3. This time 21 years ago I was going through the same thing as you are now.  I got 3 As and a B.  Good luck!

  4. my friends sister is, but im waiting for gcse's.... oh well, near enough! for edexcell, did you register online, then did you get sent an email with a password? I never got that email... could you tell me if you have the same problem? btw, GOOD LUCK!!!!!

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