
Anyone else going crazy in the tww?

by  |  earlier

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I am 4dpo and just wondering?




  1. 4 dpo is four days past ovulation. don't know what tww is tho.

  2. hello! AF is due for me in 10 days so i'm going nuts too. This is my mine and my hubbys 4th month TTC baby #1. It's frustrating but I hope this month is it for us all!! =]

  3. I am 9dpo and going CRAZY!!! I have already tested twice. My girls have been screaming in pain for the last two days, so I have hope.  Good luck to all. =)

  4. What does tww mean?

  5. OMG yes, I am only 2dpo and pulling my hpt's out of the It's driving me insane. As soon as I am done with the almost 2ww to ovulate and through peeing on the opk sticks I start the text 2ww and cannot wait to pee on my hpt sticks. I think I need some kind of 12 step

  6. Christ. I don't even know what "tww" and "4dpo" mean!

  7. ME ME ME!!! 8dpo! hoping for #2!

    TWW= Two Week Wait. time between ovulation and next period or +test!!

    DPO= Days past ovulation.

  8. Hi Hun

    im 10dpo and its killing me all this waiting, iv already done two tests, although im sure i got a really faint line tonight, i really do hope so, baby dust and i hope you get your bfp x

  9. I test twice a day!  ADDICTED!~!~!~

    I get them at the dollar store so I can afford to.  I need my husband to hide them.

    First month TTC & 12dpo and will probably get AF tomorrow.  At least there is always next month :)

  10. Ack, YES, only 4 days until AF is due, I guess I could test, but I'm being mean to myself and just gonna wait until the 31st and see if I need to buy a test or not.

    I like that- TWWers Unite! Lol

    Good luck!  

  11. I am 8dpo after ttc for 10 mos. and i have poas since 5dpo lol But im going to wait till 12 dpo to poas again, thank goodness for dollar tree lol I am praying! My husband thinks i am obsessed and crazy, he keeps telling me why dont you findout which ttc women lives in our area and hang out with them lol Yeah im obsessed but atleast it is about poas than other bad stuff! lol Good luck girlies!!!

    **babydust to us all**

  12. I entered the dreaded 2ww this month.

    I have been ttc #1 for 5 months with no luck. Last 2 cycles we even had BD on my supposed "fertile period". This time me and DF just BD whenever/ tail end of my period. So afraid I may have missed my chance but we will see.  

    Right now just feeling extra sleepy/drowsy/lazy, watery mouth (have had dribble quite a few times...sorry if TMI), and too many trips to pee lol. Other than that no

    symptoms CM has even turned pasty/dry...w/ only occasional shiny stuff lol.

    My question is though...why do people answer only to ask what is "TWW" and "DPO", if you can't talk the lingo & take the heat then get out the TTC kitchen...we're trying to bake some beans in these ovens! LoL

  13. ME!!!!  LOL  I am 8DPO on my first cycle TTC after VR!  Here's hoping we all are baking lil buns in our ovens!  ;-)  I think we will take over the world if we see a BFN again!  LOL

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