
Anyone else gone through some depression?

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how would you go about telling a family member or friend that you need/would like to see a professional for mental illness without getting a judgemental response from them? i have stranger symptoms and although i search all types of disorders i dont see any that have all of mine. i have a bit of ocd i guess you could say. i debate in my mind if i do something if it will give me bad luck and i often spend a long time placing something a certain way for fear of it causing trouble..i have disturbing racing thoughts that i try to squander by squeezing my eyes closed and thinking of different things. i have insomnia and have slept 2 to 4 hours in 2 days. i was verbally abused by a family member when i was younger but i cant tell if that has anything to do with it..i compare myself to others too much, low self esteem, social anxiety, i go from feeling very confident about how i look to feeling embarressed about how i look.i feel fine during the day and then i just get really tired of thinking all together.i cant seem to relax at all! i just think im going through a little depression but has anyone else gone through this? any insight on how to handle it? thanks very much in advance




  1. I have bipolar disorder, the depressive side is worse, an anxiety disorder, and OCD. Many believe, and I agree that the OCD and anxiety disorder are related to the bipolar. I've had depression since I was about 15, I'm 52 now. The best thing I ever did in my life was get help, thru a psychiatrist and therapy. You MUST ask for help, because right now my friend you are not living, only existing. Medication is probably needed in your case, don't fear it, it may not be needed forever. Certainly if your blood pressure was sky high, you would not turn medication down, otherwise you would have a stroke.

    You can get thru this. Despite all my issues, I'm successful in all aspects of life and have been a nurse (RN) for 26 years. I still have some horrible times, but I can handle it through my knowledge and the help of my doctor. Therapy AND depression has made me a better human being and nurse as well.

    Go to your parents, bring with you a professional article on teen/young person depression. Search on You don't have to fit every symptom to be depressed, hardly anyone does. Tell your parents IF you are suicidal. Tell them that the number 4 killer for American kids ages 10-14 is suicide. The stats get worse as  we get older. I don't want you to scare them, but they might need a wake up call. Parents out of fear often hide from the truth, hey we all do that!

    Many people at any age don't realize they need help, you are one smart cookie!

    The constipation is probably stress related, very common.

    Carbohydrate craving is very common in depression especially in the type called atypical depression.

    Much, much luck to you!

  2. I have gone through getting treatment for what ended up to be bipolar disorder.  I had a hard time with seeking treatment because I was so scared.  I finally sought out treatment and I have felt much better since.

    Remember it is not your fault.  You have a right to feel good.  Doctors deal with depression all the time.  A psychiatrist is the best doctor to go for a proper diagnosis.  Psychiatric disorders are caused by a chemical imballance in the brain.  Just like a diabetic has to take insulin people who are having problems with brain chemicals need mediction.

    Take care and I hope you feel better.

  3. Depression is boring -_-

  4. You do not say how old you are. Assuming you are 18 or older ,there is no need to tell any one. You can seek the therapy on our own. Those who love and care about you should support you. If any one has something negative to say , that is their problem. At least you are brave and smart enough to admit you have a problem and want help.

    I have deal with depression and have a daughter who has. Most everyone will in their life time.

  5. Racing thoughts = anxiety: see section 6, (page N first) at O.C.D. (PAGE C). OCD QUIZ, then page H, and the rest. Social anxiety: section 9. Self esteem: section 38. Insomnia: section 3; view comprehensive posts first. Short term: laxatives: pharmacy. Longer term >

    A healthy diet consists of: 5 serves of vegetables, daily, including a leafy green one, such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, kale, or silverbeet (swiss chard), and a yellow/orange one, like yams, (sweet potato) carrots, or pumpkin/squash. One of the other serves should be legumes, such as beans, peas, or lentils. A serve is 2 heaped tablespoonsful, or half a cup (125 ml). Also, at least 2, to a maximum of 5 serves of fruit: one should be orange, or grapefruit, for the NATURAL vitamin C, and bananas are high in potassium. In addition, your body needs at least 2 teaspoonsful of oil.

    Olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, or macadamia oil, are the healthiest, but you can get some in the form of Omega 3 fish oil (certified free of mercury); it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it.. Also a serve of protein: meat, fish, poultry, or eggs. For calcium, some yog(h)urt, and/or cheese and/or milk, or tinned sardines, with bones. To the above, add a certain amount of wholegrain products, such as brown rice, seed and nutloaf, or sourdough rye bread, according to your body's energy needs.

  6. Okay, I had to tell my mom when i wanted to see a therapist. It was really hard to do, but she was more understanding than i thought she would be. Just open up and say, I think i would like some professional help. I'm going through some weird things that I know aren't right.

    Sorry, I don't really understand what you're going through, but I have been depressed before. I also go through stages of self-confidence to low-self esteem. I hate it and it makes me feel Bipolar? I'm not exactly sure. Every says my whole demenior changes on a daily baises. It's really weird and uncomfortable.

    I'm also boarderlining annerexic? Idk. I haven't eaten anything today except halk a hershey's bar. So, maybe food does effect it?

    I reccomend some exercise. Like jogging helps me...

    Definitely seek some help, though. It's modern society, I think everyone will understand.  

  7. the only way food has anything to do with your feelings is if these feelings are new, lack of sleep would not be helping you with your situation, sounds like your having stress and possibly panic problems if you let this go too far you may start having panic attacks those are not fun i know they totally suck being verbally abused as a child could be one of the reasons why you are feeling this way but it wouldnt be the only reason  youve a got chemical imbalance in your brain thats something your born with but getting therapy for the abuse would help i know, and you definatly sound like youve got ocd problem there and not getting therapy for that could let it get worse its best to get a handle on these things before they progress too much dont worry about other judgement get yourself help and let the therapy help you realise you are not being judged

  8. If you would like to email some details on what your experiencing I could provide you with some ideas to follow up on. I am a mental health provider, I won't do on-line diagnosing but could point you in the right direction for finding the right help.

  9. well, it sounds very much like you are experiencing depression. i am in the middle of it myself. my husband just got deployed, and shortly before it i miscarried what would have been our first child. what have i done? well, i immediately talked to my mother for comfort. find someone to talk to, anyone who will listen without judging harshly. then i talked to my doctor and he gave me a mood calmer type pill. i was having panic attacks a lot. then he told me to exercise every morning and make sure to eat right. i have surrounded myself with children. that has been my most beneficial tool. they make me feel needed which is something i was missing because of everything that happened to me at once. i hope this helps.

  10. yes , poor food can do that,  get yourself plenty of exercise ,sunshine. Stay away from doctors and drugs. Avoid financial problems.

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