
Anyone else got a6yr old child concerned about conserving energy?

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My son has just turned the Christmas tree lights off declaring,

"that it's a waste of electricity!"

Good on him!




  1. Kids eh?....who'd have '

  2. quick walk down oxford street will give him something to moan about.

  3. 'Turn off the power and protect the future' That's the message from 'Home and Away' tonight when they turned off the lights and lit candles at Irene's birtday party


    on 'loose Women'  Carole Mc Giffin said she's stockpiling ordinary lightbubs because she hates the power saving ones -they're ugly and cost LOADS to produce !

    Good on your little one - he's listening -did he turn off the toilet light, though??!!

  4. Wow!  The indoctrination starts early!

  5. lol my girl is the same she learnt it at school . i soppose its good in a way

  6. I would certainly be proud of such a child.

    If I were you I would thank him for his concern for the environment and your electricity bill and suggest certain times when you will turn the lights on as a special treat.  How about a couple of hours on Christmas day, when you are opening presents and quarter of an hour each evening just before he goes to bed?

    Best wishes to you and your family.

  7. YES! My 6-year old is the same, and I think it's great that schools are teaching kids about conservation. If the next generation don't do the right thing then there's no hope for this planet!

  8. mine keep saying they will run out of batteries lol

  9. I have a 5 yr old who is the 'recycle police.'

  10. lmao   gartom    my  kids laugh  at  me  saying  its  like  blackpool  illuminations  in  my  house   ,i'm terribly  wasteful  i should   take a leaf  out  of gartom juniors   book  lol  xx

  11. It does start early now - I certainly know from school.

    Well in the last few years we've always had 'eco talks' and lectures about how to be green so its no wonder - I'm not saying they are a bad thing. I love talking eco :D Good on him I say.

    I wonder whether he'll be asking you to buy one of these trees or maybe just swap to some energy efficent lights to keep him quiet. I'm sure you'll want your lights on some time but mind you when its light - he is definately right.

  12. This is a perfect example of how it can take generations to make changes in peoples paradigms, or beliefs, or memes, or world views; whatever term you use to describe how you perceive the world around you.

    This also brings out the true meaning of Christmas.

    Not the blatant consumerism our generation has been force fed for decades but rather let's hope "a little child shall lead them" one more time.

    Good on him!

  13. Totally, well she's 7, she says that when you pour stuff down the drain you kill a polar bear, so all drinks must be completely drunk, she had a hysterical fit when her dad through a plastic bottle in the bin instead of putting it away for recycling, she say's that if everyone recycled, then there would be less landfills and homeless people would be able to get houses, because they could use the land that would have been used for landfills! A bit distorted but I'm proud of her for being so vigilant, as for the landfill theory y'know Gart it makes sense in a funny way! LOL

  14. Not 6 gartom - but 14.  All lights get turned off if no ones in any of the rooms.  He tells me everything that can be recycled and the lastest thing is Carbon Footprints or Air Miles regarding the food I buy.  It's a big thing in his school at the moment.  But what really makes me laugh is he falls asleep in bed with the TV on.

  15. Well, either you or someone taught him right!

    Hope you're using LED lights on the tree!

  16. I have a 9 year old .....................she makes me tea with luke warm water, switches the kettle off before it has boiled. What can I say? I just down the tea with one gulp....make my own tea now. She is conserving energy. She also puts the Xmas lights off, to the disgust of her little brother. I think it is a good thing and I am proud of her too. Well done to your son as well they are the future of our world.

  17. very good tell him to think more about how you can save more energy and you a few penny too !!!

  18. If I had a six year old worried about that stuff, I'd take him shopping in New York for the weekend,

  19. I must admit I am the one in the house who is the recycle queen and turns off all the lights and turns off all the plugs. Good for him Gartom as in future he will save himself lots of money on his bills and the planet to boot my star is for him.

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