
Anyone else happy about the removal of the foie gras ban in Chicago?

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This is a great defeat for PETA. It's high time they quit sticking their hands in our diet.

Vive les restaurants français!!!




  1. Definitely not. However, the ban wasn't really stopping the cruel treatment of animals; people could just go to the suburbs and buy foie gras there.

  2. ok

    i have no idea wut ur talking abt

  3. Yes,

    The poor birds are put into tiny cages and forced feed till they basically blow up, just so people can eat their fatty livers. I am a member of PETA and the animal cruetly that is done to them is horrible to. California has banned them too. There is numerous country's throught the world who banned them, like Germany, Findland the UK ,Denmark and Isreal to name a few. persoanlly I think the whole state should outlaw them!

  4. looks like chicago is back in buisness

  5. Poor Chicago Ducks.. someone sent them up North .. help them get away from these Frenchies, and their French Restaurants.who want the ducks Livers for their Foie Gras.  There is so much food, leave the ducks and geese alone if you must kill them just to make your Foie Gras..

  6. yey!! i LOVE FOIE GRAS!!!

  7. Nope.

  8. No, not happy about it.

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