
Anyone else hate the sun and heat?

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I live in a city where it's always over 110 degrees in the summer and for some reason we have an outdoor mall, which is our new mall. It's so depressing here. Yea....not much to do here because it's so hot. I was born in the El Centro, Ca in the dead summer. Explains why I hate the heat! Anyone else hate 110 degree weather with a passion like I do?




  1. Move, winter sucks

  2. I feel the same way! I'm so jealous of places that rain.

  3. I live in Illinois, which is why I am more adjusted to 80's and 90's during summer. I have felt a 110 though, and I really could not stand that. 90's make me irritable enough as it is, but anything above 100 generally ruins my day. I can say that I hate 110 degree weather, but probably not as much as you because you deal with it on a seemingly regular basis. You should move to the Midwest.

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