
Anyone else hate the way guys look nowadays?

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What's with all these young guys having bushy hair, sideways hats, stupid looking shoes, wearing girl pants, wearing makeup?? What is wrong with them? Anyone else hate this? Maybe i'm a little old fashioned (you know, when men looked like men)!!!




  1. ya omg

  2. Ahhh you mean emo guys.

    In the words of Katty Perry

    They are so g*y but they don't even like boys.  

  3. I agree whole heartily. I find it odd. It seems being a girly-man is something to be proud of nowadays and I'm sick of it. What happened to the days when men were men? It seems this trend is most common in the West, but I find it catching on elsewhere too. Those going out with these psuedo-men are either confused or just experimenting, at the end of the day women want a real man and don't you forget that.  

  4. Im not sure what some girls find attractive about this look.

    hopefully it will pass soon!!

  5. i was playing pool and having a few beers at the pub last friday night and seriously, there were some obvious trends happening, what i  like to call the 80's sexual predator, the greasy pedophile/grandpa, and the homeless sailor look, but you know what, the girls were all over them. and the sailors whipped my *** at pool.

  6. Haha I actually totally agree with you, what happened to men looking like they actually have some testosterone, but not so much that they have to wear those stupid wife-beater shirts. I'm sorry but emo kids and those guys who think they are all tough but really aren't are not attractive to most girls who have some common sense.

  7. Welcome to the new world where boys are girls and girls are boys. This is what progressives want..or political correctness gone wild, you be the judge. The pendulum will swing the other direction at some point but only after we recognize that men and women are indeed equal but at the same time, very different.  

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