
Anyone else hate zits??

by  |  earlier

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ive been having bad acne for years and its because i have oily skin. i wash my face regularly but it still doesnt clear my skin completely. proactiv burned my skin so i dunno what to do. anyone have good acne solutions?

p.s i also switched from soda a million times a day to water a million times a day but i dont really see a difference like everyone said i would if i drank more water. please help




  1. Go to your doctor,

    he/she can subscribe something to you.

  2. i have the same problem...i used proactiv and it did the same thing to me. i just found this great product called skin id. you answer these questions on what kind of acne and c**p you have and it gives you what you need to help you clear your face. so far it works for me.  

  3. try the clinque 3-step face wash. it really helps and also try some of there acne removers. they also work really well.

  4. get clean and clear spot treatment.

    and apply it on your zits twice a day.

    and wash with neutrogena clear pore oil-eliminating astringent twice a day. then use the clinique 3-step process twice a day. and for the clarifying lotion in the 3-step... get the one for oily skin.

    these are the steps:

    first: neutrogena wash.

    second: clinique 3-step process.

    third: spot treatment.

    and after your face clears up for good... theres another wash you should use that keeps your face clear. ive tried almost every acne treatment. i dont have acne... but i have occasional breakouts. im pro at this stuff. lol. so if you have any questions, email me.

    hope that helps =]

    p.s. sleep in. that makes a difference.

  5. No actually I LOVE acne. Rolls eyes.

  6. Sometimes I put toothpaste or calamine lotion on my zits at night to dry them out. But sometimes toothpaste can burn 'cause I use mint.


  7. You should see a dermatologist. I wouldn't recommend accutane unless absolutely necessary, it has serious side effects including suicide and death. I was put on it twice and ended up using 3 medications at once rather than using accutane again. I would have horrible nose bleeds gushing blood and suicidal thoughts, which are both side effects. Birth control reduced my acne by a ton without the crazy dangerous side effects. I also only use dove energy glow or rose soap to wash my face and the apricot scrub (st Ives or something) to exfoliate.  

  8. You need to visit the Dermatologist. I have tryed many many many thouisands of things. What i had to do is go on Accutane. You might have to do the same, learn more about it here  

  9. Check out They have a lot of sugesions, as well as message boards.  

  10. um go to a dermatologist.

    don't fool around with crappy over-the-counter creams and washes.

  11. More than anything!  I always seemed to get them at the worst time... like the morning of prom. :/

    I had really bad skin for years, but as soon as I went on birth control (for acne, not sexual reasons) it started clearing up.  I've had perfect skin for almost a year now and it's better than ANYTHING!

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