
Anyone else have a late ovulation?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I've been tracked 4 cycles using an OPK and I seem to have a shorter luteal phase then most people. The first cycle was 30 days long and I ovulated on day 20. The second cycle was 26 days and i ovulated on day 17. The third cycle was 31 days and i ovulated on day 21. Now this month I ovulated on day 17 so I should be expecting my period at 9 or 10 dpo. Does anyone else have cycles like this or know someone who has and have you had any problems getting pregnant or anything? Nice answers please :)




  1. I ovulate late also, but I have no idea if it affects my ability to become pregnant. I have been TTC for a year and no luck. But, I have met with my DR and she said nothing about this and I told her I ovulated late, so I am not sure either! But, good luck to you!

  2. Anything shorter than 10 dpo is considered a short leutal phase. Natural progesterone cream can help lengthen your leutal phase i would ask you doctor about using it first :) I ovulate on day 25 or 26 but i have a 12 day leutal phase. It doesnt matter when you ovulate but it does matter how long after you ovulate that you get your period. This is because you need a long enough leutal phase to have implantation and sustain the pregnancy :) Good luck. You can google leutal phase onine :)

  3. I have the same issues. 4 1/2 Years ago my husband and I were TTC and were using the OPK. My periods were very irregular and I ovulated when ever! After a year and 3 months of no luck I had a Laproscopy done by a fertility doctor. It turned out I have PCOS. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or just Polycystic Ovaries. A week after the Laproscopy, I ovulated and got pregnant. Now my son is 3 today and we have been trying again to get pregnant and I am going through the same thing, irregular periods (cycle length 19-40 days) and weird ovulations days.  Check out on Webmd under PCOS. Maybe mention it to your doctor. It may be similer to what I have.  Best of luck to you!

  4. If you've had 3 successive luteal phases under 10 days then you should consult an OBGYN or RE about this issue. It's one of the biggest temporary causes of infertility and is VERY easy to fix! Mostly it is indicated by a simple blood test on CD21 to measure progesterone levels. If there's a problem, they'll simply give you progesterone supplements which work immediately (the first time you use them!) and have mild side effects exactly like PMS (because it's progesterone that gives you PMS!) Good luck!

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