
Anyone else have dreams of future events that come true?

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I would love some guidance because i feel that this is a gift from God and i want to use it for humanity as a whole.




  1. There are experts out there who can prove that dreams are actual events that happen in your life, either you will create them unknowingly or they have happen.  I know from being a dreamer myself for over 25 years, my dreams come true

  2. Ha well lastnight i dremp i married Chris Daughtry....Ha lets see if that comes true!

  3. Personally no I don't have any future dreams but if you feel that you do then that's a good thing. And wanting to help out others is also a good thing.

    I like to think that through my many years of walking this earth i have obtained some knowledge and the wisdom to offer some good solid advice.

    Keep a pad and pen beside your bed and write your dreams down as dreams tend to fade after you been up a while. try to add as much detail as possible. After a while you should see a pattern develop as where your gift is leading you. To grasp a better understanding of what you are experiencing you have to keep a record of your dreams and make sure you date them when you have them and when the prediction appears to happen.

    I personally believe some people are gifted and they are given these gifts for a reason but the downside is no instructions are given out as to how to use these gifts. So it becomes a learn as you go. Through good documentation you can learn how things are moving which will give you a higher understanding of just what you can offer others.

    Best of luck

  4. alot of people do. lol. yes it is a gift, but just because you know something doesn't mean you can change things or stop things from happening. tihs isn't hollywood this is real life. my one friend warned another one of my friends that they were going to get caught stealing that day. she tried to stop her but the person got caught stealing anyway. I'm not trying to be negative at all. by all means keep your hopes up. they have books on dream symbolgy, and alot of monks you preist use it to tell that there on the right path in life.

  5. All the time.

    I also have dreams about things that don't come true.

    And there are loads of things that come true that I don't dream about.

    Exactly as chance would predict, in fact.  If your question is serious, you need some evidence that what you dream about comes true *more often* than chance would predict.  The way to do this is to write down exactly your predictions on waking up.  Then check them off, yes or no.  If you predict above chance, it is worth investigating further.  If you don't, it is not.


  6. I looked on the internet and saw a guy that heals with his dreams or something like that. His name is Adam - dreamhealer. It may not be your forte, still he may be a good

    person to communicate with since I think you two are related

    in abilities. Oh, Adam is not the only person who does this distant - dream healing. . Im not sure if your a healer. You need to discern that part, yet you really should contact others who do use their dreams for humanity. Do you  keep a log book or tape cassette of your dreams? I myself do not know of anybody else with your dreaming gift. I read a book about Edgar Cayce, (1877-1945) you should read about him too.

  7. Yes and I have posted it a while ago on a forum and most of it came true already.

  8. Yeah I do sometimes. The hardest part is knowing when, and people don't take you seriously.

    Only tell if your sure about when it will happen.

  9. the night before I dreamt of purchasing illegal lynx cats. and yesterday I picked up and started carring for three stranded kittens...

  10. Yes, but its just little things. Like i'll have a dream of me or someone else wearing a certain outfit and walking to a certain room doing some random thing. Then the next day it happens, its like Deja Vu. It's hard to explain.

  11. ya it happened many a times...but i am a simple dream abt small small thgs...& normally it come true !!!

  12. yes

  13. Funny, I was going to ask the same question until I saw yours. I have dreams like that all the time. Its just hard to tell when that dream will happen until moments or minutes before they do.

  14. I have.  You should take some classes.  Depending upon where you are, there are classes on how to tune in on these types of "gifts."  I live in the Bay Area in CA, and there are a lot of these classes around...

  15. I sometimes do.

    But its things that don't happen for weeks/months.

    Noone believes me either.

  16. Yup. I've experinced that many times. One was when we transferred to our new apartment then i watched tv then i remembered having a dream with the same scene i was doing.

  17. yes...mine are 10-15 years ahead

  18. I have prophetic dreams but out of hundreds I've had since high school, only a handfull would have been of any use to anybody.  

    Mostly they are of boring, mundane things.  I may have a background knowledge of something that happened recently that could be avoided, but mostly it's just the normal stuff of life.  They also only come back to me a few seconds before they actually happen.  It's kind of annoying.

  19. Everyone does,basically because life is one big rerun.The same things happen to all of us over and over again.There's a limited amount of events that can occur.For instance, nothing will happen to you or me.That never happened to anyone else.History repeats itself whether we like it or not.So it's not so strange for a dream to come true.

  20. no i dont

  21. omg i so do. but no one believes me. they're not really like all powerful visions of future events but it's little things that i dream that come true. it's really wierd. also, i think i killed archie bunker. i asked one day long ago "archie bunker is still alive?" and two days later he died after not being heard of for ages! and again, no one believed me!

  22. Sometimes I dream about the present.

  23. Well, the only problem is, you saying stuff may result in the bad / good event actually happening, and since theres always two sides to a story, if you do share your info successfully, there is a high chance you will be killed. My advice is, use it to save as many as you can while sustaining yourself. It sounds selfish, but otherwise, theres gonna be no more sharing for you.

  24. i dont dream of the future....but i always feel like i been places before when i never have

  25. No... but if you think thtis "gift" is from God then talk to a preacher or minister about it.

  26. Yeah...

    but it's not always a fun thing. You see bad things before you ACTUALLY see it. I get that everyday and starting to hate it right now. It's rarely that I see good things in my dream.. it's always bad thing. When I do see bad things in my dream... the next day I'm panicing and those stuffs because I'm afraid and don't want to see it all over again in the reality. But when I do see good things then next day I would be happy because I would see it in reality and it's good thing.

    But I just don't like it at all.. I just wish that I don't have this kind of 'gifts'.

    This is not only 'gift' i have I have plenty of other things, not only from God, but from Satan too. I HATE things from Satan. God 'gift' is really good because I know future and can help save people. Satan 'gift' is pretty bad because it make me insane because I see bad things that 'normal' people can't...

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