
Anyone else have eye floaters?

by  |  earlier

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Should i worry about it?




  1. Yes, I have them. My eye doctor says they are nothing to worry about, still you should probably mention them at your next eye exam. Annoying, aren't they?!

  2. don't worry, I have had them for years.

    a little unnerving at first but you get use to them.

    and I think they partialy go away

  3. I have them too. You should go get them checked though because you could have a serious eye condition that is causing them, it's rare, but why risk it? Go get checked. :]

  4. yeah its just a build up of fluid im sure everyone gets them

  5. I have tons.  You should go to the doctor to rule out any retinal detachment.  If you can't live with then there is surgery to remove them.  It's called vitrectomy.

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