
Anyone else have migraines? What are your symptoms and what do you do for them? how long have you had them?

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  1. I used to have them, and the symptoms include : nausea, blurred vision, light sensitivity, the usual extreme pain, being unable to see out of one eye. They were a nightmare. Cutting down on stimulants and meditation seems to work. I have gone from 2 a month, to a couple a year.

  2. I started having migraines in high school and they are triggered by the shift in hormones during my menstrual cycle. Prior to having an attack, I will see flashes (as if someone were using a camera from the side) and often I will get a runny nose. When the migraine starts, I have throbbing at the temples, nausea, dizziness, and light and sound sensitivity. This can last for hours and even a day.

    Migraines can be caused by a many factors, so it may be a process before you can identify yours. They can be triggered by diet (red wine, coffee, cheeses). Sometimes (actually, often times) migraines are hormonal and can be helped by taking birth control (which regulate hormones). There are migraine medications that work when they happen as well. The one I take is placed on the tongue and works very quickly. After a while, however, your body can become tolerant to the medication. I have also heard that acupuncture can help.

    Talk to your doctor and ob-gyn and they should be able to help you. Good luck.

  3. i had terrible ones a while back and i was put on topomax.  i used to get them fairly often and they were debilitating.  i took topomax daily, but sometimes i would get breakthrough migraines.  when they came on i would take something else (i will look it up) and then would need to hold very still and sit in the dark.  they would pass in about an hour.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

  5. Yes.  I've been suffering from migraines for over 5 years.  My symptoms usually are really bad shooting pain on one side of my head, seeing floaters, irritable, sometimes nausea (i've even vomited a couple of times) ugh!  

    I now take a prescription medicine called Fiorcet.  I finally had to go to the doc, b/c regular aspirin just wasn't cutting it anymore.  I also try to lye down in a dark quiet place for about 1/2 hour.

    Migraines are horrible...def see your doc if they are recurrent and severe. If you only get them once in a while, then Excedrin Migraine should do the trick.  Good luck to you...

  6. wow you have no idea. my migranes get soo bad. usually advil helps the pain alot but sometimes not reallly ive had to go the the hospiltal a couple of times and they fixed it right up. i have them randomally for about a year now. but they are getting better ..  

  7. Usually blurry vision for me. Mine lasts for like 1 or 2 hours. I usually take ibeprophen, motrin, advil, or tylenoye. But if you get one call your doctor and ask him/her what they recommende

  8. The pain is awful Huh? I get throbbing pain around my eyes and sinus area.Sometimes I get so nausious i nearly throw up, all i wanna do is pull the blankets over my head 'cause the light bothers me too.What I do sometimes is apply ice but that sometimes makes my head throb even more. I tie a scarf around my forehead as tight as I can get it, most the time it works. My doctor prescribed Amitriptyline for a while but after a while  i became immune. I find that sleep is the best remedy, no noise either. I hope this helps, and feel better.

  9. yess, i have terrible migraines.

    i take advil migraine tablets from walmart, and lay down.

    i have them almost every day, for 5 months already :(

  10. I have migraines.   My warning signs before it hits are usually tunnel-vision, where all I can see is what I'm staring at, and nausea.  When it hits, sensitivity to light is extreme and the pain is indescribable.  I was told by my doctor to take Ercaf, and when tunnel vision hits, I take the pill and it works like a charm.

  11. I have had migraines since I was 9 years old. They are very miserable!! Symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, blurry vision. It's best to lay in a dark room and sleep it off. Caffeine is good for a migraine. Our paramedic at work gives me something called "Pain Aide" when I am at work and get one. They work rather quickly to stop all symptoms. He also suggests I drink a Coke or something with it.  

  12. I have had migraines for 23 years.  They were originally rare and reasonably easy to control.  They cause me to have visual loss, slurred speech, confusion, numbness on one side of my body and difficulty walking, along with nausea, vomiting and difficulty with lights and sound. After a few years the migraines increased in frequency and severity, and I have attempted many preventive medications.  I am now beginning to cycle out of the headaches, but still get them several times a month.

    In most cases I manage them with biofeedback, as the type migraines I have makes it impossible to take normal migraine medications.  I also follow a reasonable diet avoiding my known triggers, and avoid fluorescent lights.  I also have limited computer time, and specialized filters for the screens to decrease the headaches triggered by the visual stimulus.  

  13. They're a lot better now. I used to get them quite frequently. When I was younger (10), it was just pain, but now (22) I get the blurryness, the aura, etc. as well. Sometimes I don't get the pain, just the visual and mental disruptions. I take advil or aleve at the first sign of pain, and if it gets worse I have a prescription barbiturate (butalbital) that I take (I can't take tylenol with it, which is why I don't take tylenol when I first get my headache because then I wouldn't be able to take my prescribed meds!). I drink something with caffeine in it, too. Caffeine helps headaches.

    Every day I take a low-dose antidepressent which helps, and it also helps me to take iron supplements every day. A B-complex vitamin is supposed to be helpful as well.

    It may be helpful to you to keep a journal of what you eat, etc. so you may be able to find patterns (like, too much sugar can sometimes trigger them, etc)

  14. yes, and i hate them.

    usually before i get the migraine, my vision gets blurry and i can't really see well past the blur.

    then it just pounds for about a week and alot of barfing takes place and it's over.

    i drank alot of water, take heavy doses of ibeprofen, and try to sleep it off, laying down helps me and sometimes my dad gives me ginger ale.

    when i went to the doctor all they told me was that i get the "classic migraines."

  15. migraines are crippling. i used to get them so bad i couldnt get out of bed for days. Light made me feel like my eyes were going to explode. even the smallest sounds like someone walking or a faint tv sounds would make me feel like my brain was imploding.  my doctor proscribed me meds for them.  i rarely get them anymore but i have noticed that when i feel one coming if i have a little caffeine it will not get as bad.

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