
Anyone else have one of those kids that won't get up in the morning for school?

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just wondering having on of those stressful morning trying to get my boy up so gave up on it for a few minutes makes me rrrrrrrrrr like a bear




  1. well, this is what I did, When Grace does not want to get up in the morning...I say, ohhh my someone did not get enough sleep, you need to go to bed a half hour earlier, she tried to protest, no I don't. I explained that I do not have time for this in the morning, it will not happen! After a few mornings and early bed times...she gets up and gets dressed all by herself. I hope this helps. :)

  2. It must be all kids that hate school, i hate getting up for school but i still do it. 45 mins walking along the high way and i'm there no probs, rain or shine. i guess you get used to it after a while. My mum ain't home of a morning so it all up to me

  3. Nope - because if my kids try it I assume that they are overtired and they have to go to bed earlier :)

  4. Yep, my sister is horrible to wake up in the mornings. I got her an alarm clock so that she can wake herself up and that helps heaps! sometimes I still have to yell up the stairs a few times, but normally she gets up alone now!

  5. try getting them up earlier or if they continue to be difficult tell them that you wont wake them up any more and they will have to get up on their own. make sure to tell them that you wont be driving them if they miss the bus, and that (if you drive them) you will be leaving at the time you ussually leave for work. this will ensure that they have to get it. the first couple days may be especially tricky as they might miss both the bus and your ride, if you are comfortable let them stay home, take some essentials though like the tv plug so they cant watch tv and the cord conecting your tower to the monitor, they will get bored quickly and want to go to school and will start getting up on their own

  6. I don't let it stress me, My oldest sometimes had a problem with getting out of I sent her to school in her Pjs that eliminated the problem.  The one who is allowing it to be stressful is yourself.  If he is in school then he is old enough for an alarm clock.  If he isn't up in ample time to be ready for school ontime then send him to school as is.  Call the school and let them know he's coming in his pjs.  That's what I did and they kept my daughter the entire day...she thought she would get off easy because they would send her home.  So she was the butt of jokes that day...and it was the last time she ever had a problem getting out of bed for school.

  7. Thank god my son gets up early even on the weekends, that's the bad part no sleeping in for mommy. Ive noticed that if I let him stay up any later than 8:00 he will not get out of bed. I don't know what time your son goes to bed but but try putting him in bed earlier and see or even just tell him that if he does not wake up that he will go to bed right after dinner so he's not tired in the morning (no kid wants that). IDK see if that works Good Luck!

  8. tell him if he does not get up when you ask he has to go to bed 1/2 hour earlier so he will have plenty of sleep with out having to struggle in mornings.

  9. First of all what time are they going to bed? too late by the sound of things....and when they go to bed what are they up too?...Sounds to me too many late nights.!

  10. My daughter hates getting up in the morning.. I don't blame her though because she needs to be up at 5:15-5:30 am to catch the bus at 6:30.. I don't need to fight with her because she knows it's a losing battle.. I can't wait for summer..

  11. Every single solitary day, it drives me crazy!

    Inside it stresses me out, but I don't let on to my son.  I joke around with him.  I sing to him "Good morning, good morning" from "Singing in the Rain" (he hates my singing) and I used to tell him in a terrible German accent that "I vill get the vet vashrag and put it on your head".  I've never actually brought out the "vet vashrag" but the thought of it plus my terrible accent makes him laugh.  It's a struggle but somehow he has never missed his schoolbus. :)

    I forgot to mention: it's totally payback time- I was the exact same way getting up for school when I was younger and drove my mother crazy.

  12. Take his blankets off his bed, open the curtains and let the family dog into his room if you have one... Otherwise turn on all the lights and the radio...

    If this doesn't work, get mad.

  13. two of them. letting them over sleep and get in trouble at school didn't help either. very frustrating, spent the whole middle school years in a turmoil over this. its one thing with a younger child and having a bedtime but middle schoolers won't listen no matter what. i feel for was a very stressful time. cut way back on sugar or caffeine especially after dinner, set a specific bedtime and stick to it. if he's younger try reading to him at night, get everything quiet and just relax with him. i found books like little house on the prairie and such which weren't full of 'excitement' helped best or you could read him articles from national geographic or science mags or even his required school reading would be good. anything to help him get to bed and to sleep earlier so he can get up earlier would help.

  14. About two months ago things got really out of hand and it threw off everyone's sleeping patterns.

    I went to Home Depot and got an air horn.

    Problem solved :)

  15. let sleeping children lie.

  16. I was one of those kids my mum used to have to wake me at least 5 times hahaha

    yes and as they say payback is a b***h

    my boys are shockers to get up and now that its winter its worse. and it makes no difference if they go to bed earlier or not. so I go in about 6.45 and do the wake up call then at 7 to do the get your but out of bed now call then at 7.15 i do the if your not ready in 15minutes you go to school hungry because I'm not going to be late call, and with boys food is everything!! hahaha or you could get a water pistol and just casually sit by their bed and squirt them.

  17. nope. Mine are always up early including weekends

  18. My 9 year old son has always been this way, we have to call his name and turn on his light, keep calling his name, nudge him on his arm, call his name.. over and over! Usually we have found that waking him, and telling him "get up, hurry the shower is on and running for you.. so get up now" works.

    We have him do morning showers to get his very sleepy self going easier.


  19. sounds like your allowing your kid to stay up too late at night

    time to back bed time up

    7pm 4-6 years old

    7:30pm 6-8 years old

    8pm 9-12 years old

    8:30pm 13-16 years old

    9pm 16 -18 years old

    kids need alot of sleep  to function properly at school

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