
Anyone else have problems with STAYING asleep?

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I have no problems falling asleep, but I just don't seem to be able to stay asleep! I wake up several times a night. Usually just three or four times, but some times as much as ten or more. (kept count for a while)

I don't think it has ever happened that I have slept through a night. Also, after about six or seven hours I just can't sleep anymore. I'm really tired after the worst nights, but I just don't understand what wakes me up, because I can actually sleep through the most unbelievable things. (like my cat sleeping on my face... guess how surprised I was when I woke up to that)

Anyone has the same problem, and maybe some advice?




  1. One day when ur like on a day off (This is what I do), You should go to sleep whenever your tired or if it is getting late, and then fall asleep, and if you then wake up later in the night, stay up until like the end of the next day so that u could then be exhausted and ur body will just need sleep.  Hopefully this makes sense. I tried it a couple of times and it worked so good luck.  

  2. I have the same problem, it's been going on for about 22 years now. I take an OTC sleeping aide but it only helps me fall asleep, it doesn't keep me asleep though, maybe because I might be immune to it now. I tried the warm milk before bed I heard when you warm up the milk it releases the triptiphen (I think I spelt that wrong) it's the same chemical in turkey that makes you tired. It did nothing for me except gave me morning death breath. I tried sleepy time tea, hot shower and streching before bed. None of it worked for me but it might work for you. Hope this helps you get some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs

  3. A good over-the-counter remedy is called "Melatonin". It's what our brain naturally produces that tells us basically it's time for sleep! If you're having problems that are starting to disrupt your daily life, I'd suggest seeing your doctor for a prescription for Ambien CR, or another sleep aid.

  4. I actually have sleep issues similar to yours.  I have trouble falling asleep but once I get there (depending on the night) I can be up about every hour or so/or ever more frequently than that.  I find it's primarily stress and thinking about things too much that keeps me from falling asleep, and I find that when I do wake up in the night there is no immediate reason for it.  However, it seems the more stressed I am before bed the more I wake up.  As far as advice, I know what works for me is to relax, turn off/cover any lights, and keep the temp. as comfortable for me as possible (sounds silly but it helps).

  5. This seems to happen to me a few times a week.  I'm not really sure why it happens but it does.  I've been trying to go to bed at the same time or around the same time every night.  Try and clear my mind and when I do awake just lie quietly till I fall back to sleep.

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