
Anyone else have terrible attendance problems??

by  |  earlier

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Ever since grade 9 I've skipped.. just to hang out with friends and so on.. now im in grade 12 and still have that same habbit.. and its like now its not even to do anything its just im too lazy to go to school.. even though i know i really should go i just can't.. Also ive never failed a class.. but just find it SO hard to atually convince myself to go.. as much as i tell myself i have to.. anyone else have ths problem? Advice..




  1. i used to have that same problem its almost like an addiction to skip Wut helped me get out of that habit is i just looked around one day when i was skipping and thought to myself what is this accomplishing? i could go to school and make excellent grades if i wanted to and live my dreams as the result of the good grades i would make if i actually went, u say u have never failed a class but colleges don't look for students who have never failed a class they look for students that not only pass but students that flourish in school and make excellent grades and im sure u can my advice to u is go to school it is there for you to better yourself and to educate u and in a year or so when u graduate u will see the results of ur hard work  

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