
Anyone else have this happen?

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My son is two years old. Basically, he is scared to death of the birthday song. I know it sounds weird but at his birthday party which happened to be a month ago when it was time for the cake and blowing out of the candles, everyone started singing and he freaked out, kicking me (he was on my lap), pulled my hair, crying, etc. I guess he doesn't like being the center of attention. Anyway, twice since then we have gone to other kids' birthday parties and when it is time to sing happy birthday my son has the same reaction. I feel like he is scarred for life now! I spoke with a woman at the last party and she said her daughter was the same way for three years and just outgrew it. I know every kid has their quirks, but this one baffles me.




  1. I bet it IS overwhelming for a kid to have everyone looking at him and singing loudly. At first I thought it might be the candles, but it sounds like you brought the cake out after the song started.

    No need to terrorize him, just work around it til he outgrows it! Good luck.

  2. Both of my kids have done the same thing. There's no singing allowed at their parties, lol.

  3. LOL, my daughter is two next month! I hope she doesn't freak out as well! Haha!

    She sings the birthday song from childrens tv but she hasn't, obviously, experienced it aimed AT her as such (well, when she turned one but she didn't understand then)

  4. Aww he'll out grow it soon .. Does he like to have any other songs sung to him? My son is 2 and he goes around singing the birthday song to everyone but if someone sings it back to him he starts crying and saying no no no no no!

  5. lol  oh my. kids will never cease to surprise us lol

    krissy i couldnt help but laugh at your story...i can just picture my son doing no no   lol

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