
Anyone else have twins?

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I'm scared that they will come too early. Really I'm just looking for any advice! Thanks in advance!




  1. I was having twins.. lost them to preterm labor at 6 months.  Many people don't view twins as high risk or think that extra precautions are needed.  They are.  Don't get me wrong.. tons of woman have them and all is fine... but it is more stress on your body and more pron to problems.. don't think any question is too stupid.  Don't worry about asking the Dr too many questions... loosing my twins was the worst experience of my life.. I am not trying to scare you.. just don't want anyone else to feel this pain.  Be careful... good luck...this is such an exciting time.. it's going to be wonderful.

  2. Best of luck.  You are very lucky.  I have no children.

  3. Nope no one ever.  They are a myth.

  4. nopppppeeeee

  5. Congrats!!

    Eat right. Excersise, but not to streious. Just take long walks or somehting. Take vitamns, and after the 7th month stay off of your feet and don't get stressed out.

    I too, have no kids. TTC for 3 years....

  6. my cousin had twins, and my dad and uncle were twins. it runs in the family. nothing bad happened to them. good luck and congratulations!

  7. My fiance is a twin.  most likely they will come early, but prononly not too early.

  8. I'm a twin and we were born prematurely and we're both absolutely fine. It's very normal for multiples to be born early, so as long as it isn't ridiculously early, you don't have way too much to worry about.

    Since before we were born, my mother was in a mothers of twins club and was able to get tons and tons of help and support from them. It's a fabulous organization that she is still with today, and that has been with me for my whole life. They plan great activities, meetings, and conventions for the moms and also tons of fun things for the kids. Most of my childhood friends were twins or triplets, and it was a really great experience. Even in adulthood, many of us are still extremely close friends and all of my mom's best friends are women that she met through the club. I'm not sure if there's a branch in your area, but you should definitely look into it. If you don't have lots of time, that's totally fine, you can still get great support from them. Either way, it will help you to learn a lot about twins and being a mother of twins and can give you excellent information and advice so that you don't have to be worried about the things that you're going through, and be confident that you're equipped to deal with any problems.

    Good luck!

  9. nopeee-ah

  10. my cousin  has twins.

    they are the most adorables. they give eachother hugs, kisses i just love them.

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