
Anyone else having Braxton Hicks @ 18 weeks?

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I have been having them off and on everyday since Thursday. I am high risk due to an incompetent cervix so it scares me. My doctor assured me that it is normal. I also have a lot of pressure. Was seen by my doc and had an ultrasound and everything is just fine. It just worries me. He said 2nd pregnancies can be harder than 1st. Anyone else having these on a regular basis?




  1. Not to scare you...I had what I thought was braxton hicks off and on for about a week.  Was admitted to the hospital the next Monday morning because I was having contractions and dialating, which BTW, I never even felt to me more like a stomach ache once I started feeling something at about 6 cm.  My son was born at 30 weeks, 6 days.  And the only reason that I went to the hospital in the first place was b/c of increased clear discharge.

  2. its normal to feel braxton hicks at 18 weeks, especially during your first pregnancy. a lot of women mistakenly believe that bh don't start until your third trimester or around 24+ weeks when most women only NOTICE them that far into their pregnancies. i felt a definite increase in bh at 18 weeks and they have died down a little bit in the last couple weeks.

    the key is to stay hydrated and to NOT over-exert yourself.

    as long as your doctor doesn't think the contractions are causing any kind of cervical progression, i wouldn't be too worried, just aware. google pre-term labor and be aware of the signs to watch for, just don't worry yourself, as long as you know what to watch for you will know exactly when you need to get to a doctor.

    have the doctors brought up the idea of a cerclage? i'm not sure how standard a practice they are any more, but a cerclage can keep you closed up when your cervix is weak or incompetent. i'm sure you are staying off your feet much? if not, you should be.

    i felt a bit of pressure at 18 weeks too and went to the doctor and said everything was fine, i'm assuming some amount of pressure is normal. if at any point you worry, don't think twice about going in and getting checked up to set your mind at ease!  

    also, i think that the increase in bh for me, at 18 weeks, was from the baby moving a lot more and hitting my uterus harder, that can sometimes cause light bh contractions.  

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