
Anyone else having Samsung Glyde Screen Issues?

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The touch screen on my Samsung Glyde seems to mess up a lot. You go to hit send and it will hit options or not even be around where Im trying to touch. Its on Medium High Sensitivity. Anyone having this issue?




  1. hey if u got a nintendo DS then u might know that the touch screen will only pick up ur nail, not ur finger. this is because u need a Direct Touch, which means u have to like pick out what u want and touch just that. Also, the screen might be dirty, damaged, or loosened out of its lock system. try going to the lace u got it from and getting it fixed or replaced or do the direct touch. thats not a stupid move or sumthin its just what u need to do for it to work. the makers put it that way to help, if u dont do it that way itll mess up.

  2. I have had this issue myself, quite annoying. I have been advised to just take the phone back to VZW and get a replacement. Unfortunate, because this really is a good looking phone.

    Also, this isn't a Nintendo DS question.  Completely irrelevant.

  3. There is an excellent touch screen fix and rumors of an update coming out in August that fixes the touch screen and makes sending messages easier.

    Go to for all types of help on the glyde. Tons of forums, wallpapers, ringtones, and people willing to help. Sign up and join in on the forums.

  4. yeah some times it does that and that is how the phone is but put it on high it works better but the corners dont work well i have the same problem

  5. YESS i thought i would love this phone so i got it instead of the voyager   BIG MISTAKE its a horable touch screen plus have you found that the screen scratches soooo easily? and because its the only screen you cant do anything where the voyager has two. and half the time when i get txts it just shuts of randomly so look out for that. plus if the glyde is in you pocket it starts dialing ppl even if its looked so put it to low touch because that dosnt do anything while ur using it i found only when its actually in you pocket or on the phone hitting your cheek.

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