
Anyone else having problems establishing a new 360?

by  |  earlier

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I made a new answers account and I cant get it to establish a 360 for me. It keeps telling me

Someone is already using this email within the Yahoo! 360°. Please go to the Member Directory and change your email address.

But its the only email address I have on file. I didnt add any other ones.




  1. Sign out of yahoo... then..

    Go to the Tools option on your browser toolbar and click to delete your browser history.

    Close your browser and then reopen it.. sign back into Yahoo with the new email address in the account you wish to open the new 360 account..

    Yahoo uses cookies they place on our machines to locate our accounts and basically run the site with,  even if you make a new account sometimes the old cookies will still be signed into your account in some odd way.

    After you delete all of the old cookies and internet files in your browser you have a clean slate to start from

  2. hmmm? I'm cornfused. I'm not sure what the problem might be. How can someone else have the same email addy that is applied to your acct? Sorry toots

    Edit: Hey that chicky up there looks awful cute doesn't she? Hehe...seems pretty smart too. Kinda makes sense!

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