
Anyone else having these problems on Yahoo360?

by  |  earlier

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For some reason when I go to my yahoo360 page to edit my personal photos underneath my main profile photo it wont let me..You can have up to four photos..I have tried to upload them but nothing shows up.I am following their guidline requirements which is ..

be JPEG files.

be less than 5MB in size.

not include contact information, your name, or other text in the image.

not contain adult-oriented content or nudity.

not contain obscene or objectionable content...

I have been with yahoo360 for 2 years now and never experinced this problem before.

Anyone else having these problems or does anyone know how to solve this problem?




  1. me i cant even go on it cuz i want to put a picture up :(

  2. They are currently tinkering with 360 so there are alot of problems with it.  I haven't had any problems changing my photos but sometimes I have to redo it a couple of times before it actually does what I want it to do.  I wish they would hurry up and get the glitches fixed because I like 360 a lot better than Myspace.  Good Luck.

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