
Anyone else having trouble believing that the worldwide demand for oil?

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suddenly tripled overnight?




  1. yes, but when was the last time the president got something right? "Is our children learnin'?" "Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"

  2. not really if we run out of gas i dont care because ill probably be dead by then

  3. I think the problem is no one knows...some say yes, some will say no, but really there is a tipping point, and I find it so incredible that people can't grasp this...I am going to be prepared for it, and I would die for Hubert's theory about peak oil...he was right in the seventies and with the world peak oil theory he was probably underestimating a little, but we are seeing these signs now...and think about this, the amount of oil we are using is equivalent to a mile by mile tower that is three miles high and growing by ten stories every year...the 00's will be one of the hardest times to live in, we have reached a point where resources are now becoming scarce even in Industrialized countries, this is scary...and with the world population going up and up, there is only way to go with Hubert's theory and it is down, sad, but true...

    -edit- This make me so mad the point is get off of oil, if not for yourself for you people sound incredibly selfish...

  4. China and India are in an industrial revolution and have been for the past 3 years.  Its no wonder the demand for oil is at an all time high.  Thanks to Bill Clinton and the NAFTA treaties we are exporting all of our manufacturing jobs over seas and so they have to build more factories.


  5. not only do I not believe it I am appalled with our governments complete lack of control over the situation....we have oil here in the US...why are we not building refineries to support ourselves? I understand the green issue...but, if we put ourselves into another recession there are consequences far more disturbing. If I can no longer afford to drive to work what will become of my family, if I cannot heat my home....these are real issues.....I live in rural Maine & do not have the luxury of public will take over 800 gallons of oil to maintain my the math.....I'm terrified of what is happening. My husband owns a house framing costs him 40.00 a day to get to work & power his generator....what happens when the price of gas goes to 5.00...heating oil is 4.90 if I lock in today.....I have lost sleep worrying about what I can do to keep my family from going into debt ...having the house repo'd .....its a reality with this crisis. We need to do something here in the US & stop being dependent upon foreigners.....

  6. I think its actually just the US, like i believe China is fine, and so is Cuba, they get their oil in the same ways.

  7. me me me I just can't believe what the president has to say on the subject cause it is his family that gets all that profit

  8. Not to turn this political, but George Bush has nothing to do with the price of oil. Especially since he went to Saudi Arabia the other day to request that they increase supply to help mitigate price.

  9. Just so you know they use tankers ,really big ones,to store crude oil on the water and they do it by either parking them on the way to the refineries and their markets. Also, they tell the tankers to go slower than they can. You folks are so naive!  If anything oil consumption has dropped at these ridiculous prices and OPEC has cutback their production to make it look like so! Just to keep the prices and profits high! LOL

    Your enemy is OPEC and their willing Lackeys the major OILCO's with some of their own oil fields in non-OPEC places!!

    Baloney edit shows your true colors. You are scapegoating people who do not cater to your selfish interests!

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