
Anyone else having trouble finding a teaching job?

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I have taught for 2 years, and the county in which I live (and work) laid off 500 school board employees at the end of last school year. I still haven't been hired and school starts back (for teachers) on Wednesday, and a week from tomorrow for kids. I was just this happening anywhere else besides Mobile, AL, or are we, yet again, at the bottom of the barrel?




  1. well down where i live there must be plenty of teachers needed because they once used a security officer as a substitute. So I'm almost sure that there would be a teaching job here. if you want more info just let me know.

  2. i live in california and this is a rough year to be a beginning teacher!!! i recently received my special education credential, and you would think we  can pick from all these jobs! WRONG!!

    i have been on over 15 special ed interviews in schools throughout la and not just in lausd, and havent had any offers. there is now competition for these jobs. ive also been checking out charter schools and private schools and been interviewed at 2 charters, and 2 privates.

    i dont want to end up subbing but probably will.

    i know many states will hire you right away as a special ed teacher. i easily would have moved, but im here at least till june 2010 until ive receieved my MA.

  3. Not around here!

    Here they will take anyone.

  4. I live in Ohio... I've applied for 74 jobs this year!!  Can you even believe that???  That's just ridiculous!!!!

    But alas, I'm moving to SC at the end of this week to teach down there for the year.  It's not a good area either.  I took the job b/c that's what I was offered & desperately need a teaching job.  I'm hoping iot will lead me somewhere better next year!  

    Other teachers have given me great advice:  NEVER let it get you down & in the dumps.  Because once it does, it's really hard to get out of.  So I've taken that advice & I'm just going to love my new job no matter what!  I'll make it great!  ha ha.  Give it time; I heard the baby boomer teachers will be retiring with in the next 5 years & that there should be lots of teacher openings!  Yeah!!!  A light at the end of the tunnel!  

  5. I just lost my job with Florida Virtual School due to state wide budget cuts and layoffs. 75 adjunct positions were cut, and they are cutting more each month. I was part time, so it's not a huge dent to our monthly income, but it will hurt. But we are thankful my husband, an administrator, still has a job, they cut about 20 admin positions in the county and several hundred teaching positions.

    Education receives state money, supplemented in some state depts by federal money. Right now the economy is in a recession (in my opinion, though the 'experts' won't say that) and we are all feeling it. Education and law enforcement are usually some of the first professions to get the axe, 2 professions where we need more help than anyone.

    If you are looking to work FULL time and are National Board Certified (I only say that since you are in AL not FL) Florida Virtual School is hiring full time instructional staff, you can do it from AL. It's a lot more work than classroom teaching and you have no summers, no Christmas, no spring break, etc...but the pay is decent and you work from home, if you are desperate for a job, this may be an avenue you can look into. Email me for more details. :)

  6. not at all..louisville ky has a shortage in educators

  7. I'm sorry.  I wish I could offer you some words to help.  All you can do is keep looking because sometimes things don't work out at the beginning of the school year for some teachers--even if you have to work as a substitute teacher, at least it will get your "foot in the door" of several schools and will let some principals get a chance to meet you.

    Good luck.

  8. One of my friends is a teacher, and she's having a heck of a hard time here in MD. Nobody seems to want to hire her. And she only has another week to find a position before school starts.

    It's a shame that it's so hard for you teachers. :/

  9. My teacher friend started a tutoring service when she was between jobs.  Just an idea that may get you through till you get to where you want to be.  Good luck.  Nothing scarier than being out of work.  

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