
Anyone else heard of A-1 Imports Inc. in Harrisburg?

by  |  earlier

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I discovered that it is a scam, did you find this out too?




  1. I went there to "interview" yesterday.  I got a bad feeling while there because they would not answer ANY questions directly.  They had scripted answers for everything and when I asked about companies they represented the "interviewer" kept showing me some coupon for a NBA team, saying "This is the stuff we do"  I left the interview feeling like someone had just tried to sell me something... It wasn't your typical interview

    asking questions about me... it was more like he was giving me a sales pitch (which threw up ALL KINDS of RED FLAGS.

    I came home and researched them a little.  If you follow the link to the website author at the bottom you will find these links

    These are ALL links to IDENTICAL websites selling the SAME stuff.  If this isn't MLM it's an ugly cousin... When you go to a reputable company... they don't try to pressure you into making a decision at the first interview...

    ALSO take a look at their location.  Its a cheap office location in an industrial park, with a broken front door and the ONLY markings of the building that they are even there are some vinyl letters on the front window.  Use your head this company is NOT well established, it is fly by night and could be GONE tomorrow... with your paycheck!!!!!

  2. This is not a "pyramid scheme"...But what it is, is a cheap "marketing company" that lures prospective "associates" in with the promise of big bucks. The management is usually some cheap, fast talking, promotional hustler who will talk to you about what a great opportunity his company will be for you.

    They lure (usually younger) people in under the guise of being a successful marketing firm which  they say, has a proven track record of record breaking sales records with some very well known companies and sports organizations....It's all Lies and Nonsense....

    They have  about a dozen different catchy names for their "companies"....Just look at the websites...they are all virtually identical...same format and most even have the same text....scroll down to the bottom of the 1st page and you can see the designers's usually the same at all sites....and they are springing up all over Canada and the US too...

    If you enjoy standing at a cheap "presentation booth" all day or going door to door trying to sell people coupon pages to pizza parlors, cheap MP3 players or  egg timers...then go for it...

    And if you think that you can make $40, $50, $60,000.00 or more (like they will tell you) a year doing that kind of "marketing and advertising)...but in reality you will be selling cheap garbage ....then go for it.....

    This is NOT a matter of "you get out of it what you put in to it" work....It is a matter of how much they will get out of you till you wise up and quit..Which is the reason that they have to continuously advertise for new people..They will interview 200 and perhaps 1 or 2 will turn out to be a cheap huckster like they are...

    So does anyone here think that one can really make Hundreds of Dollars a week selling cheap merchandise such as egg timers and pliers from China door to door?..

    If we all continue to put these posts out we will undoubtedly hurt them where it the let's all continue  doing so...

    And let them rant and rave and cuss us and insult's only words...and we can all just smile and derive some satisfaction in knowing that we hurt them and helped others...

  3. I actually worked for A1 imports and it is not a scheme. The opportunity is definetly real but it is very tough. If you have the time it is great. If you have kids, alot of biils, a wife, etc. this business is not for you. But if you are young motivated with limited responsibilities the this opportunity is very feasible to achieve. You can make a six figure in come in less than a year but be ready to go through alot of bull and bust your a** to get it. Listen and learn the system is simple.

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