
Anyone else home that Speedracer ends like the Dale Earnhardt's life did?

by  |  earlier

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the ending of the movie, I mean.




  1. Haven't seen it yet.

  2. they had one of the guys from the film on the radio yesterday and he said there already talking sequill deending on the box offices

    so i think what you heard is wrong

  3. Doesn't sound to me like anyone's "home".  I wouldn't wish Earnhardt's fate on anyone, even a fictional character.  Geez Louise.

  4. dont know haven seen the movie

  5. we can only hope...

  6. Don't be an @ss.

  7. my, my, my! Someone forgot to take their "meds".  Were you paranoid in the movie theater?

  8. Try decaf dude, spell check too.

    Nope, didn't hear that, nor do I "home" that it happens to anybody.

  9. boring stuff

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