
Anyone else in 2ww and impatient?

by Guest61047  |  earlier

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Hya girlies

I am currently on CD 29 of a 33 day cycle. I am sure I ovulated around CD18/19, and am expecting my period next mon/tues.

However, CD26/27 I experienced lots of cramping and discomfort, I am hoping this is implantation. Do you think I could do a test now, or is it still too early?

Is anyone else in the same position? What symptoms have you got? Anyone just got a positive result, what symptoms did you have?

Looking forward to hearing from you.





  1. im in the same position and my cycle is 34 days long usually or has been fr last few months i ovulated around a week ago and had s*x a week ago i cant wait to find out either

  2. I am always looking for some TWW'ers to commiserate with!!!!!  My period is due on Tuesday 9/9 and I was weak - I already tested, BFN :-(

    So far I have not really had much cramping but my b***s especially my nipples have been killing me for about a week now.  I have also been getting some pains that are more like pressure down below.  I have been dead tired all day everyday and having some heartburn.  I don't know if any of this is related and I am hoping with crossed fingers that it was just too soon to test.  I have one test left in the box and I am going to try to wait a little while before I use it.

    Baby Dust~~~~~~~~

  3. Hi! I'm coming to the end of my 2WW. This is our 4th cycle of TTC. First cyles was 26 days, second was 25 days & the last was 27 days. AF is due anytime now - if she's not here by Saturday (day 28) then i'm going to buy a HPT.

    Up till this month i have had lots of HPT ready & waiting, but i get tooooo excitted & test all the time with BFN's! so this time i'm waiting...

    I don't feel very pos - mainly cause i don't want to get my hopes up! We used pre-seed this cycle & BDed at the correct times, so we'll see!!!

    I've had constipatin the last week - which i don't usually suffer with & i'm really tired - never want to get up when my alarm clock goes off, which is unusual for me. I've also had a lot of milky CM. So..... i just have to wait & see.

    If you want to email me & be a TTC buddy feel free - will be nice to talk with someone in the same boat!

    GOOD LUCK! BABYDUST to all TTC! *+*+*+*+*+

  4. i am waiting, but i dont know what for lol my last period was august 5th, i didnt have a period in july...i always used to have a 28 day cycle but for the past 5 months my periods have been 1-2-3 weeks late as it was 3 weeks late last month! i started cramping for a bout 3 mins 2days ago but that was it and i have also got a lot of CM. i did 2 tests 2mornings ago and could see extreeeeeeemly faint positives, but they wer cheap strips, anyway since then i have done 2 first responses 6days early one and both BFN!! so i am waiting but i am waiting for either ovulation, period or even a BFP!  i hope i am this month im going crazy testing because i dont know when i am due on or not grrr, good luck to you anyway hunny xxxx

  5. Same vote. I should start AF this Saturday. Several days ago i experienced heavy cramping pains like AF. I have been very dizzy/light headed, very oily hair,peeing like crazy, white cervical mucus on my underwear, and just been very moody this last couple of weeks. I plan on testing next week if AF does not show.

    Personally for you..... I would wait, if that witch AF does not show up i would take a test next Friday(9/12) if i was you.

    Good Luck to you this month!

  6. OMG YES, this is killing me, I have been ttc for 6 months now. This month I used the opk and feel like I did everything right but I am in a testing frenzy and keep getting bfn's. This is sooo brutal. I am 10 dpo and due to start my period in 5 days so i'm praying to the baby gods that I just tested too I would wait until you miss af to test or you are just going to upset yourself if you get a bfn like myself. My b***s do not seem any different but I am extremely bloated, gassy and having alot of cramping...the cramps are much lower than my usual period cramps and I have not been sleeping at all, also I have been extremely moody, before af I get emotional and upset but the past few days, I have been down right bit..y. Good luck sweetie, I hope we both get a bfp this week.

  7. Yes i have all those symptoms except acne and i had all those symptoms with my first pregnancy so i will keep my fingers crossed for both of us x

  8. Hey charlie i know what it's like the 2ww.I ovulated on monday 1st sept,i know because of the pain i had for the 1st time ever i took an ovulation test today at 4pm and got a positive,i'm a bit confused i didn't think it would be positive 3 days after the pain i had,i did another one 3hrs later and positive again but not as dark as the 1st test,i can't take a HPT for another  week or two,i have been told that if a woman is pregnant the ovulation test will show positive who knows.You can take first response HPT 5 days before a due period,good luck.

  9. I'm on my 2ww and its driving me crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Good luck!!! Baby dust to you and everyone else!! =]  

  10. Hey all I am still here!!! I am going bonkers but I am still here,lol. I am 11 dpo and almost done: ) Yay me. My symptoms are



    vivid dreams

    metallic taste in mouth

    lots of cm


    and now I am having trouble sleeping at night, which is the pits by the way lol. My wait should be done on Sunday so I can't wait!!! We should have a Sunday pee party.  

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