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What is the deal here? The Highway Department (MODOT) has totally screwed every main highway and side street in St. Louis! There is no where to go...all the streets are "under construction"!!!!!!!!!! Someone was drinking heavily when they planned this...or maybe weren't drinking enough! This is dangerous! A ten minute drive is now 45 minutes!!!!!!!!! There are not even any side-streets because they are all closed off! You cannot go ANYWHERE in St. Louis without getting TRAPPED in ROAD CONSTRUCTION for an hour or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDOTS! COMPLETE, STUPID IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. Not just St. Lou dude, Birmingham AL too.  


  2. Dude, I feel your pain. And experienced it also! I drove from Seattle, WA to Sarasota FL back in 2000. I tried to plan my trip so I could see as many landmarks as possible. I wanted to see the "Arch" in St. Louis as one of my stops. Well, I saw it, but only at a distance. No matter how I tried to point my car in the direction of the arch, I ended up going in another direction. After four hours covering just about 60 miles I just gave up and got back on the slab.

    Thank God gas was not three dollars a gallon back then! I would have been a bit PO'd. But you tell me they still are going at it seven years later! Then again, I live in Florida. The state sign is "Men at Work". (And I don't mean the band!)  I used to live on Venice Island, Florida until just a few months ago. I work in Sarasota, and just could not handle the commute times! I was getting up at 6 AM to get to work by 7:30. And the trip was only a little over 20 miles!

    They work on the hiways at the same time they work on the side streets, they make one half of a bridge carry two way traffic while they replace the other half, (No divider there. Scary!) in some cases they just shut down the bridge altogether if it's just a two laner!

    And I ride an air cooled bike! When I get stuck I have to shut down, start up again, shut down, etc. It kills my starter and battery. Not to mention my legs trying to sit there and hold up a 675 pound H-D. What I'm saving in gas, I'm paying for in parts. And boot leather.

    So don't feel too bad. FLDOT has no clue either, and as you may know, rednecks stay crocked when they can. So more booze to the MODOT probably won't help. Then again, look at New Jersey. Even when they had no construction going on you could not get to where you wanted to go unless you knew the pattern of all the one way streets! I feel sorry for them folks when they decide to make them two ways!

    Yep, dummies. But they got "degrees" in this sort of stuff so we are stuck with them. I read editorials in the paper about how something could have planned a bit better, and they make sense, but none of us are gonna get picked to work on the board that makes the decisions.

  3. Why do you think that I avoid St. Louis?

    Been that way every time I go through there and I started that most likely before you were born.

  4. Altoona, Pennsylvania too. There's always some sort of construction project here.

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