
Anyone else in my position?

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Well, im 6 days late... tested day of expected with hpt - Negative. Went to the doctor where he wanted to give me a blood test... ive been waiting and waiting... get blood test results hopefully monday and i feel like im going crazy. Had some minor symptoms, Extremely extremely tired, sore nips ( but thats gone) headaches, dizziness, and when i eat something i get sick in my stomach.. don't vomit though just get really sick. watery mouth....

Just wondering if there is anyone out there that is in the same boat as me.. ** BABY DUST **




  1. yes me and im 5 days late hpt come out negative havent gone to the docter yet but i need to let me know what the tell you good luck oh one more thing do think about it to much cause its not good you make your body think you are and you might not be ive done that so just relax and wait once again good luck and lots of baby dust to you

  2. I'm not in that same boat, but those are the exact symptoms I had when I was like a few weeks preggo! Especially the sore nipples! And pregnant women salivate much more than non-preggo women! Sound slike you have a good chance! You might have just tested too early and it gave you a false negative! Good luck!

  3. Me too I'am 5dpo and I have beeb extremely dizzy, tired took a HPT on day 2 neg still no period

    Baby prayers

  4. I am more than 2 weeks late, and still no bfp! I am testing again in the morning though. I Have a lot of the same symptoms as you but some differences. Here is a list of what I have noticed

    sore nipples

    first 2 weeks after ovulation sick to stomach and decreased appetite

    last 2 weeks increased appetite

    increased saliva production


    extremely tired ( i can barely make it without a nap)


    increased cm (sorry tmi)

    I hope you get your bfp! Good Luck!!

  5. it looks good for you! and hoping for a big fat positive!!!

    in the meantime you can also ask doctor for free online for an opinoin, and find more ladies in the same boat, try

    good luck!!

  6. hi. i'm in the same boat as you, 6 days late, took two hpt's one was a dollar store teset and one was clear blue, both negative but still no period. my nipples were hurting really bad about 4 or 5 days ago i couldnt even wear a bra but then it stopped just like you. i thought i was gonna start my period but i didn't. i have these weird slightly painful feelings in my stomach off n on and i'm always tired. i pee sooo much and i have headaches every single day. i've heard of ppl who couldn't get a positiive result until several weeks after their missed period. so i'm just goin to keep testing every couple days cuz i have a very strong feeling that i'm pregnant. if you wanna talk more you can email me...

    good luck to you and lots of baby dust =)

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