
Anyone else in the 2WW??

by  |  earlier

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is anone doing the dreaded 2ww? i am due my period in 2 days (sat) and i am so hoping they don not arrive. I had a miscarriage in may.

what symptoms have you been having? x*x




  1. I am on a week to go now but i don't want to test until I'm a bit closer to the time my period is due so i don't get a false negative and get upset. but i don't think i have any symptoms well at least I'm telling my self i don't so i don't get my hopes up! I hope your test will be positive!!

  2. are you taking anything? clomid ect? i to  am in the 2ww i am 10 dpo today and i have had weird symptoms. constipation, hunger like you wouldnt believe. which is really odd for my. and extremly short with people. especially my dh. lol... he is ready to kill me. we have been going through this for 3 years and i am on my 5th round of clomid. i had a miscarriage in january too. i know its hard but we all have to keep out mind off it and try not to stress. i know its easier said then done but worth a try. you might be abe to tet with an early test because your on 2 days away. but i would wait a couple days past to get a good answer. good dust

  3. Yep....I still have a week to go too!!!! Have already done a couple of hpt' like 5 and 6dpo - wishful thinking!

    We werent exactly trying either but now its on my mind and i cant stop thinking about it!

    I think at this stage i would be happy to get my period so that i can relax again! Lots of cramping driving me insane!

  4. ugh i have 8 more days!!!   its so tedious!!!!

    Good luck and baby dust to u...keep us updated!

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