
Anyone else like fighter jets?

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I love fighter jets like the F-15 Eagle, F/A-18 Hornet, F-16 Fighting Falcon, and the Panavia Tornado. I'd like to know which fighter jets you like, and why.




  1. I do,

    the MiG-25 Foxbat is one ugly beast but I love the fact its a cold war relic, does mach 3 and flys to the verge of

  2. I like the F18. Its sleek, fast and deadly. Sure would love to ride in one, better still love to fly one!! Do you fly? skydive? Have fun!!

  3. the F-22 Raptor!!!!

    its the top-of-the-line fighter jet with stealth and speed.

  4. Being an Air Force vet, I want to cringe whenever I hear the phrase "fighter jets."  It's just FIGHTERS!

  5. the A-10 thunderbolt is an oldy but a goody

  6. Personally, I can't say I "like" Military Aircraft, but all of them are true marvels of modern technology and engineering.

    Recently reading through various reports and reviews on current and future aircraft around the world, a number of "fighters" have stood out to me.

    I'll actually start my list with a bomber - true it's a fighter-bomber/strike aircraft but still.. It's the Su-34. Two lines sum up a great deal of my awe: "The space between the seats allows that they can lie down in the corridor, if necessary. A small toilet and a galley are located behind the crew seats." And I thought only transport crew had that luxury.

    If you're considering only modern fighters, another Russian fighter impossible to pass up is the Su-27. It's spouted so many variants, it's hard to keep track of them all. Not to mention it was the first aircraft to pull a Pugachev's Cobra.

    A list these days would hardly be complete with the F-22. The way so many systems have been integrated in one package is truly mind boggling, and the extraordinary potential of it's networking capabilities and AESA radar are, in my opinion, yet to be fully realised.

    If we may include aircraft that are not yet in production, the design of the JSF, with it's stealth capability and planned networking connectivity will truly make it a standout aircraft in the strike role - admittedly, I'm not sure how great it's range will be, and whether it will be a contender in the air, not to mention it's questionable brute survivabilty compared to an A-10 which was designed to fly without a wing.

    Talking about range, and admiring the remarkable nature of the now legacy F-14, I have to include an aircraft often affectionately known as the "Pig" - the F-111. Sure, it's antiquidated, but is there really another aircraft that compares? With the variable wing geometry, the combination of high payload and long range make this an unmatchable piece of machinery - I don't of anything else these days, even with the technology, that comes close to rivalling the F-111.

    On another note - I wonder what a Naval Variant of the F-22 would have been like?

    Edit: Oh and I hear the Typhoon's a pretty nice ride - apparently one USAF Major seems to think it's handling is better even than the F-22.. Can't remember where I read it, but he was one of the few early pilot's to have flown both.

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