
Anyone else nervous about G.C.S.E results tomorrow?!?

by  |  earlier

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I am!




  1. just anxious

  2. Nah got mine 20 years ago. Soooo glad I never have to do exams though. Good luck with the results.

  3. Omg yes im freaking out .. i didnt really revise much so im so so nervous i wont get the grades for the college i applied for . and i only applied to one college so if i dont get it im screwed.

    i really dont know if i want to open them in front of everyone else as i know my friends will all most likely have better grades . i sort of just want to seee them on my own

    i really cant cope with this waiting, i just want to get it over with now or not know at all

    anyway whats done is done and all there is to do now is wait and see

    best of luck everyone x x x

  4. actually they are today !! i brought them !!

  5. 17.30 hourse left woman ofcourse were shiting it

  6. YES!!!!

  7. i am! im dreading it. if i dont get what i want i gotta change courses at college :-(

    i really want to know but i dont, only if they are good.

    Good luck

  8. We're all nervous hun. It's just one of those things, the results open the doors to our future. I really hope you do well, they wern't the easiest! The mocks were better.

    But yes, i'm really anxious and a bit worried i won't get the grades i want. Sounds like alot of restless sleep for as all..

    Good Luck

  9. i jus gt my a-lvls result last week..i remember 2 yrs wen my results were out...goodluk mate! save ur nerves for ur a-lvel results.. u'll need it :P

  10. I understand your curiosity to know the results, but nervous? There is little you can do to change it now so relax - What's done is done! Good luck, tho'

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