
Anyone else not able to get Yahoo Finance charts to work?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday, I noticed that the interactive charts on the Y! Finance page didn't work for me any more. I've tried upgrading my Firefox and Flash, but it's still not working.

Are other people having this problem, too? Have you figured out some way to resolve it, or have any ideas as to what the problem might be?





  1. Sometimes I have trouble with it giving me "Chart not available" errors. Usually I can refresh and it will come up. It sounds like you are having a different issue. My recommendation is to switch to they update their information better. Yahoo Finance hasen't updated their chart for Altri since before the Kraft spin-off in may of 07! I constantly find companies with incorrect P/E ratios or dividend rates which have been cut or eliminated. Yahoo just doesn't update. Google and MSN do a much better job.

  2. Yes and it's really frustrating. It could be your computer but I don't think it is. It will get back on track eventually but in the mean time do your research else where. Yahoo is a popular site and it gets shorted out sometimes.

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