
Anyone else not allowing their kids to watch this anymore?

by Guest32019  |  earlier

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I have talking to one of my friends earlier today and I was telling her about how I no longer let my daughters (age 10 and 8) watch any shows on Nikelodeon anymore because of Jamie Lynne Spears Pregnancy. I thought that it was wrong to allow Zoey 101 to still be on the air simply for a profit.

My friend said I was too extreme. Was I?




  1. I think you should stand by your convictions on any decision you feel is right. Who cares what anyone else says or thinks. I wouldn't allow my Daughter to watch any of the trash that is on that station. She wouldn't want to. She is sensative to that type of thing and knows right from wrong. Expecially that SpongeBob Squarepants that is a waste of time. Most of the shows they air aren't appropriate in my eyes. Maybe they are ok for people that are use to their children hearing and seeing all that c**p at school.

  2. No, its not too extreme. Some people don't let their kids watch TV at all. Thats fine, too. There are different ways to look at it and I certainly see your point. My kids don't watch it but I would probably still let them if they did. but if you feel strongly about then stick to your instincts. Its not going to hurt them if they don't watch it.

  3. No, you were not extreme.

    We don't have cable or satellite television at all and our child is none the worse for it.  She was given a subscription to Nickelodeon magazine about a year ago, and we canceled it because it was one big print ad for the programming.  From what we saw, she's not missing anything.

  4. Yeah, way too far. If they were flaunting her pregnancy as some type of special thing on the show, then I would understand but they aren't.

    This reminds me of years ago when the Ellen show was on air and she was going to 'come out of the closet'. So many people made such a huge fuss over it, and my grandmother made a big deal because I watched that show (about 10-11 years old). It's one of those things that stuck in my head because she made such a big deal about it I knew that if I had questions I couldn't ask her. My mom luckily wasn't so uptight so I felt comfortable watching the show, and it really wasn't a big deal.

    Basically, talk to your children about her situation, don't pretend like it didn't happen and ban her show because they understand more than you think at that age, and they will remember. Just like someone else said, she's not a bad person, she just got into a bad situation.

  5. You are extrem with them just let them be and let them watch it.

  6. You are to extreme.

    So she had a baby, but she is dealing with her mistake and may have even taught some teens that this is what happens when you do it unprotected.

    It is a kids show.

  7. Yes, you're being too extreme... Nothing on Nick talked about her pregnancy and there are alot worse things your kids could be watching..

  8. I don't think you were "extreme" but I don't agree with the decision only because it won't teach them anything. Jamie Lynne Spears got pregnant but Zoey didn't. I'd make them stop watching it if the character was pregnant but not because the actress is in real life. She's not going to appear pregnant on the show and they won't be mentioning it on Zoey 101 so that's not the issue. The kids may not know she had a baby but if they do I'd use it as an opportunity to discuss why teen pregnancy is not ok. They won't get pregnant as teens because they watch Zoey 101.

  9. Hmmmm lets see.

    Did you also ban them from MTV, VH1, CMT, and Spike TV.  These are all owned by the same company.....

    Also get rid of all those neopets..... yep, same company.

    Keep them away from Shrek whatever you do.....

    Yep, same company....


    Charlotte's Web, Bee Movie, Indiana Jones, Dora the Explorer,  the list goes on.....

    Yeh, making money is evil.... Best to avoid your husband as well I guess....

  10. i agree with ur friend.....

    zoey 101 isn't the only thing on Nickelodeon

  11. It's your decision - if you feel she's a bad example for your daughter then I think you are right to not let her watch it anymore.

  12. omg serisouly wow everybody has mistakes i mean come on who cares if they watch it nick has some awesome shows dont do that that. thats being wayyy overprotective.

  13. If we deny our children a channel every time a celebrity made a mistake, our children would never watch any tv. That could actually be a good thing.

    I think it is best for children to know the truth and learn from other's mistakes. Celebrity pregnancy is a trendy thing, and kids need to understand that just because it is trendy doesn't mean THEY should get pregnant before they are married.

  14. I think you are.. Jamie made mistake and is being very responsible about her decisions!

    Your daughters are going to be exposed to worse than Nick with Jamies show. How bad is it if they watch it or not?

    Thousands of kids love the show and should still watch it regardless of what happened with her. That doesn't make her a bad person!

    Good Luck and God Bless

  15. It's not nick's fault that JLS got pregnant. That was all her own. Jamie is not pregnant on the show, and they don't mention it. Jamie is not Jamie at all on Nick, she's Zoey. I think you're being too harsh with cutting out the channel all together, I'd understand if it was jsut the one show, though. It's the real word, you might as well get rid of the tv all together, because it is everywhere.

  16. i think it was a little extreme if thats the case then really you should have not let them watch any tv at all look at her sister brittany and she came from disney......

  17. ur completely too extreme

  18. I refuse to watch Zoey 101. First off, it's an incredibly stupid show.... and second I don't like the message that Nick is sending to kids. I just keep our TV on noggin! lol

  19. I think you are sheltering your girls from the real world. Talk about what happened with them. Explain that Jamie Lynn made a big mistake and what you expect from them at that age. They will see teen girls that are pregnant walking around the mall. Or even girls in their class when they get a little older. You cannot hide teen pregnancy from them. Nickelodeon didn't need to pull the show off the air. If anything it is a chance to teach your daughters about consequences. Jamie Lynn was living a life of fun in Hollywood. Now she has made a responsible decision and has quit her fabulous acting job to raise her daughter in Louisiana. I am not saying she is a role model but you could definitely use her to get your daughters attention and discuss the effects of teen pregnancy.

  20. I don't think you were too extreme my children are also not allowed to watch Zoey, because of the teen pregnancy thing, I think it is not a good example for our children to condone that behavior.  However they still do watch other things on Nick, I never thought of condeming the whole channel, hmmmm..... food for thought.

  21. I have 4 children all together and I no longer let my 2 older ones watch Zoey 101 I still let them watch other Nick shows just not that one.The 2 older ones are 9 and 7 and as soon as the story came out about her being pregnant I was like oh heck no you are banned from watching that show anymore.To me that is like telling my kids that it is ok and no big deal that she was 16 and pregnant.I understand that she made a mistake and that she is raising her baby in La. and teen pregnancies are common but I as a parent have the right to say that I am not going to support a show that is on a kid network and act like its no big deal.So I say you go mom and keep up the good work!!!!!

  22. did you not explain to your girls that what "zoey" did is NOT acceptable behaviour? did you explain to them that some girls make mistakes, and that you need to think about the choice  you make,,,,did you tell your girls that they do not need to be having s*x. sounds to me like you want tv censorship to help you raise your children and to take anything that is "offensive" or "not to your standards" off the air.  talk to your girls teach them right from wrong,,but do not expect tv to do it for you.

    my daughter is 11 and watches all the "girl" shows on disney and nick,  we have taught our children right/wrong and good values and talk to them everyday and answer any questions that they have.  i do NOT think that her watching Nick or other similar things will impact what her father and i have taught her.

  23. It's not like the network told her to nail her "boyfriend" and have a kid.

  24. I think that if your daughter enjoys the show, as long as the "show" itself is appropriate, there is absolutely no harm whatsoever in allowing a child to continue to watch it despite the fact that the main actress did something that you happen to disagree with.  Yes, I do think that is harsh.

    Obviously, it is you who parents your child.  If you really think that because your daughters watch Zoey 101 they too are going to turn into a teenager and follow Jamie Lynne's footseps, then by all means, lose the TV all together.  OR you could use this as an opprotunity to actually talk with your older daughter (8 yrs may be too young) about s*x and start to introduce your values on waiting until the time is right.  

    My daughter was 10 around the time that JLS got pregnant.  I had already been told by her pediatrician that the birds and bees talks needed to start soon.  So, I sat her down, read some of the CNN reports with her about JLS and then offered her an open-door to discuss anything with me--anytime.  At 10 years old, they ARE learning untruths from their peers already at school.  My daugter has a classmate who has had an abortion already!  We need to realize that the best way to shelter our children in this society is to EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE!!!  Also, for what it's worth, I just gave birth 2 weeks ago and my (now) 11 year old daughter was right there beside me to enjoy her brother's birthing experience, know first hand what "really" happens AND to be the FIRST person to cuddle him...hehe---just so you know--that is MY parenting style.  I am in no way trying to say that anyone elses way is wrong....just in case you disagree with my answer, I'm not trying to be an a**, just sharing my view with you.  And unfortunately, in a few years, what is seen on TV will be the least of your concerns.  I dread the teenage years too because I fear that if I push my values too hard or not enough they won't matter once other influences begin to chime in.  

    Good luck!  Sorry for the long answer but this world scares me for the kiddies :(

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