
Anyone else not getting the HPV vaccine?

by Guest33135  |  earlier

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My doctor strongly, strongly, recommended it, but my mom told me to do some research and make my own choice.

I have decided not to get it because I feel that the risks involved with the vaccine outweigh the benefits.

This is why:

Anyone else not getting the shot?




  1. i already got i about a little more then a week ago and im perfectly fine.

    but its your choice, so if you choose not to get it then thats fine too

  2. Are you living in BC?  I am and I have a daughter so I'm aware of the mass vaccination.

    At this point I'm undecided.  It seems like they are shoving this down are throats before we have seem results.  Now that I'm an adult and I know MANY people with HPV, I think it would have been a good thing to have.  HPV is everywhere!!  I have HSV (herpes) and if there is a vaccine for that, I would get my daughter vaccinated.  It's a terrible thing to have and incredibly easy to spread... even with protected s*x.

    I think that the BC government should spend more money on s*x education.  If they used condoms... they reduce the risks!!

  3. its not a good decision for you to not get this shot...

    This disease is EVERYWHERE and HIGHLY contagious!

    I have it.. I have to get biopsys and colposcopies every six months.

    I don't know if you could ever even imagine how painful it is to have someone go inside your v****a and CUT to test the sample or whatever.

    You'll NEVER know if a guy has it either. EVER. They have no symptoms. There are no tests that tell them they have it. But i assure you many of them do and many more get it everyday.

    .......I believe they freeZe and burn your cervix cells in order to get rid of this. Thank God I havent had to go through that yet. If you wont protect yourself a little with the shot be sure to use condoms EVERY TIME. One time s*x with a person with this disease and You have it too!

  4. Well I am to old. But I do not intend on letting my daughters get it. There are many forms of hpv and the vaccine only prevents about 7. A friend of mine is a nurse and spoke about it at a purity weekend at my church. She said that if you continue to have s*x with someone who has it (just like genital herpies) You will get the disease.

  5. get it, its so easy to get hpv, like i just went to the doctor and he told me i have it and i had no idea, just be safe and get it.

  6. How in the world.   visit  

    found this for you

    by Barbara Loe Fisher  

  7. I got it and I'm so happy I did  

  8. Im not getting the shot

    My mom wanted me to,but when she learned about all the side effects and what have happened to a few people,she decided not to make me get it.

    But I dont plan on having s*x with someone at my age anyways,and Im not going to kiss someone who drinks from everyone elses cup or kissed a million other people.

    So Im being safe without the shot

  9. Review the HPV websites and then decide if you want to expose yourself to a lifelong burden of warts or sitting in the doctors office getting the news that you have cervical cancer. There are 100+ strains of the HPV virus. Get the shots.

    I have included a site where you can learn about HPV and perhaps you will see that it is worth it.

    I have already had to have surgery for it and it's NOT fun. I also have to say that I have genital warts and it's not something people want to deal with. If you have the chance to prevent this, please do so. I wish it had been available before I got it. When you can prevent someone chopping off part of your cervix and burning layers of your cervix or numbing you down there and chopping off person being paralyzed is a small price to pay to prevent MILLIONS of others from going through the pain and embarrassment from having the warts.

  10. I am not getting the shot as well. I feel that there has not been enough research on the vaccine. Besides if you are careful and do not get herpes, then there really is no need to get the vaccine.  

  11. well im waiting till marriage butim already got 2ofthe shots and ill be getting the third in december.

  12. nope im not...its pretty much a waste of money..there are so many causes of hpv. i think its pointless and the risk factors are just to much..i mean this one girl was parallelized by nope i would be crazy if i am going to get something with such high side affects...

  13. I am just like you! My doctor recommended it but my mom didn't want me to get it, yeah it may seem like a good idea now. But who knows what could happen in 20 years to someone who got the shot..  

  14. I'm not getting it.  My mom and my gyno want me to, but I flat out refused.  I think it is sexist that they are singling out young girls to get it but not boys.  They're vaccinating little girls, like nine years old, on the assumption that they will grow up to be raging little whores, and that is wrong.  I'm 17, and I plan on never having s*x.  I'm perfectly content with masturbating, and I don't plan on having kids, so why should I bother finding a guy just so he can stick his p***s inside of me?

  15. the vaccine does have big side effects it can eveneffect your reproductive system

    after i read about it if i have a dauhter in the future she aint getting it

  16. im getting it. sorry.

  17. i got it because, even though there are risks, there's many benefits. It doesn't protect against all types of HPV, but it does prevent some forms. Even if you aren't sexually active, you will be at some point and you could get it when you are older.

    Think about it like this, someone finally came up a way to prevent cancer. HPV can cause cancer.

  18. your doctor strongly reccomends it because of the outrageous number of young sexually active girls getting it from guys who have no idea they carry it.. the risks of having it (genital warts, cervical cancer) are pretty bad. i have a friend who got the warts, got them treated but will always have the HPV virus. all vaccines carry risks if you can stay abstinent or at least use protection then theres really no need... but then again, if your future husband has it, he will have no idea, and give it to you... i dont know, i would get it.

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