
Anyone else not impressed with the idea that "having kids is the meaning of life"?

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I always hear people saying things like "my life had no meaning until my daughter was born."

So, that's it? My whole purpose in life is to bring up a kid? Some snot-nosed, disrespectful little pip who will think I'm an "old f**t" who will embarass her in front of her friends ?

I guess I just don't understand those people who say things like "it's all about the children! Nothing else matters but the children!"




  1. I don't think people mean that life in general has no meaning but having children, maybe they are just talking about 'their' lives; that they were aimless before but found a new purpose after having children.

    I have other goals in my life than having children, though it is something I certainly want to do. But if people decide to dedicate their lives to their children, then this is a life choice I respect. There is nothing wrong with wanting to give your children all you can.

  2. I believe the meaning of life is to enjoy it and learn as much as you can. I don't know why we exist, but I do know that you shouldn't let life be all about your kids.

    And plus, don't call kids snot nosed disrespectfull little pips. I am a (older) kid, and have never truely disrespectful, (always been a quiet child even as a baby) and never have a snot nose, unless I have a cold ;) plus not all kids are the same.

  3. im not having kids

    1; i dont like them

    2; you know how much one of those spoiled brats would cost me??

    3; waste my time

    4; there are already TOO many people on earth

    toooooooo many

    and im not going to be adding to it

  4. Some people are raised to believe they have no value other than the children that they can produce. A dog can do that, so there is nothing special in procreation. Every animal and insect does it thousands of times each day.

    If parenthood were so grand, a heck of lot fewer mothers and fathers would be taking antidepressants. And a lot of them would be having fewer divorces.

    I pity people like the ones you mention. What a shallow and empty life they must lead. And of course, when the little darling grows up into a big nightmare, so much for meaning in their life.

    Given the rates of neglect and abuse across all societies, the conclusion is -- they are lying or deluding themselves.

  5. If you are a skunk, having children IS the meaning of life. So in order to dismiss that having children IS largely the meaning of life for most people is to deny your animal nature. But I agree that having children is not the sole meaning of life for all humans.

    I am just pointing out that your dismissal of child rearing is based on denial of what we are.

  6. I have 3 kids.  I do not believe my life had no meaning until I had them.  Wouldn't that be boring!  I do know that my children bring up so much within myself that I have to work on. Shyness, insecurity, not fitting in, over confident, scared, feeling stupid, feeling smart .... it goes on and on. It is hard seeing my kids deal with the emotional side of things, yet it is made even harder by the memories that it brings up for myself.  It's quite the journey.  I had no idea that would happen.

  7. It is for many the beginning of life for the child and parent. I look back 50 years at the birth of my born Son, it was a moving moment which I thought of as male pride. Latter in life, I'm embarrassed to say 36 years later, I came to the understanding it was a gift to me from God. It may not be the meaning of life but it sure is a big part of the beginning to understanding the meaning of life.

  8. not and having a nice time enjoying all that LIFE IS in the moment and the money to spend...

  9. i love kids but no they are not the meaning of life because they 2 will someday be adults

  10. I love kids but I don't think they are the "meaning of life".

    I'll have kids some day, but I am going to ENJOY life while I can!

  11. I don't believe the meaning of life would be the same for everyone. People love and live for different things. Some people are lonely and enjoy instilling their time and principles into kids. Other people immerse themselves in their work or religion, etc.

  12. Completely personal choice....There's absolutely nothing wrong with people choosing not to have children.

    Who CAN afford kids these days with the prices of petrol/education/housing/provender etc.

  13. I think the meaning of life for everyone is different. To someone dedicated and loving towards their child, the meaning of life is that kid they find so amazing they created. It's the same with other people. Some people are dedicated to their business, making money, being successful, etc. Other people are dedicated to their sport. I guess it has to do with the person. But for me I don't think kids are the meaning of life at all.

  14. Absolutely agree with you.  I lived 2 years in a third world country, where life is cheap and babies die easily.  The sad thing is, that, having no choice, people there are conditioned to take the attitude of "Well, I can always have another one," and boy, do they ever.  Have you ever seen a starving child (not just on TV)?  It's painful to see, I can tell you.  Another alarming experience I had was that women (strangers) would often come up to me and thrust their babies at me,  saying, "Here...take her (or him) back to the US with you." as if they were a sack of potatoes.  Very disturbing (to me, anyway).

    I came away from these experiences with a very conflicted attitude about children.  Obviously they are the future, and I do care about kids (though I have none of my own).  But I ask you:  What kind of future is it when so little thought or care is given to the act of bringing a child into the world?  And I might add that we're talking about probably 90% of the world, who are living in abject poverty with no hope of ever escaping.  It's d**n depressing, if you ask me.

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