
Anyone else not voting for either McCain or Obama?

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I am Constitutionalist. Everything else is irrelevant. I will either write in Ron Paul or George Washington this November. How about you?

Statists voting for either McCain or Obama need not answer.




  1. It's not worth it, since the "personal" vote does not matter.

    All that matters is demographic turn out.

  2. Well I was going to write in Biden, but guess what, he gets a real vote (with Obama)!

  3. I wasn't.  I was going to write in Lieberman.  I changed my mind when I saw the kind of contemptible nonsense you're seeing tonight on Yahoo! Answers and other places.

    Amazing reflection on the party I belong to:

    Name calling, rumor spreading, sexism, prejudice, great ideas, guys.

    Tired of the socialism in my party.

    Democrats for McCain.

  4. Wow I love Ron Paul but Obama scares me so much I have to vote McCain.

    I do agree Ron Paul is the real deal.

  5. Bob Barr. You don't have to like the man personally as he has no chance of actually winning this year, but a vote for the Libertarian Party is a good move if you enjoy your civil liberties and don't enjoy your high taxes. The more votes third party candidates get, the easier it is to get them on the ballot in subsequent years. This is the only way that we will have a true free democratic election some day.

    Don't trust the mainstream media to think for you. Educate yourself to the true state of politics in America.  

  6. I'm an independent conservative, but I think the times are too serious to sit out on this one.

    (Supreme Court nominees, war on terror, etc.)

  7. I'll just write in oprah again

  8. When there is no choice but between two bought and paid for politicians, I vote green party.  If there isn't a candidate there, I vote communist party.  Eventually, when enough people do this, it will destabilize the two party system enough to create more free and fair elections.

    Not voting is a bad option, in my opinion, because it allows corporate interests to easily buy the election and be certain of an outcome that favors them.

  9. I'm answering even though you don't want me to.  Just to p### you off and waste your time.  Know it alls like you should have known not to read this far.  I'm a moronalist so I guess I'll end up voting McCain.  NOT.  Even morons can have a slight touch of sensibility.

  10. None of them. The whole elections are a sharade and the US Government needs a checkup and a few surgeries. It is a muscular giant that has been internally bleeding for the past 50 years and is now rinkling from the outside.  

  11. I am a terrible American and probably not even going to vote because I haven't yet registered.

  12. Would people be incredibly confused if Lieberman were the nominee for the Libertarian Party!

  13. I'm not satisfied with either candidate so I will write in a name. I think it's time to send a message that America is suffering because of the games being played between the Dems and Republicans. Neither party truly cares for the common person in my opinion.  

  14. When a government becomes as corrupt as ours has, it doesn't matter who you vote for. Neither McCain or Obama will lead this country. $ will.

  15. I agree , I don't care for either candidate, but people where I live are starving, so if you don't vote for either aren't you helping one of the candidates? Our future is very scary here, and i'd rather not see my friends starve. So I'll vote anyway.  

  16. I would like to vote for Ben Stein  :)

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