
Anyone else notice Mitch's solution to lost jobs is to get two jobs?

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In Mitch's ads, he mentions that yes we are losing good paying jobs, but we can combat that by replacing them with two more. Does anyone else see the irony that anyone would brag about the need for two jobs to replace one good job. I guess, he doesn't think families need to spend time together, the parents should just forget their good jobs that went overseas and get themselves two jobs to equal it out.

Hmmmm..... twenty four hours in a day, two jobs to make ends meet, both parents working to make up for lost good paying jobs and benefits, when would quality family time fit in? Oh, yeah, Dubya says "no child left behind" but, no money to pay for it, figure it out on your own. We need change now, and is isn't JM.




  1. I support the Ditch Mitch platform in Indiana this year

  2. And finding jobs available to even work two. Easy to say when your aren't having the experience.

    A vote for McCain is a vote to continue the ruination of this country and it's people. And no one wants that.

  3. that's the Republican way... "who cares, work more"...

    I was talking to a Republican about a third world nation one time that had 50 percent unemployment... and he said "why don't they just get jobs"...

    so I said "because there aren't any"... and he didn't believe me...

    it's like talking to a wall... they just have these stock answers with no idea how the economy actually works...

  4. Jobs can be had if you really want them.  I have never met a person that truly could not find a job.  However, I have met lots of people that bltch about not having a job and do nothing to expedite the process.

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