
Anyone else notice Obama is not speaking as much...?

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now that he has Biden to do his speaking?....He just sits there and you can almost hear him thinking, "phew! I don't have to say anything!"




  1. It will work the same way next week.  McCain won't be saying much either until the next to the last day.  

    Besides, this is a historical moment, one that will be in the History books.    

  2. Tonight was Biden's night.  Tommorrow is Obama's.

  3. You must be new to this convention thing.

    That's the way they work.

    The entire party gets together to outline the party platform and build up to the big night on Thursday.

    McCain will be doing the same thing next week.

    But he will be parroting the same old hollow rhetoric that Bush and the Rubberstamp Republicans have been chirping for the past 8 years.

    The same old tired ideas that have gotten us into this mess.

    100 years of more of the same failed economic and foreign policies.

  4. Yes, not sure why, not sure why he was not around the first couple of days either.  

  5. Why would he want to upstate his own acceptance speech on Thursday? McCain will be in the same mode next week.

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