
Anyone else notice alot of UFO/alien talk in the media recently?

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About 2 weeks ago, Larry King had a pretty good special on UFOs, a former astronaut this past week announced that there indeed are aliens and the US government has been covering things up, and some other reputable station had a brief on UFOs/aliens as well. Why all this interest now? Is there some news they're slowly gearing up for? Or is it just hype and interest because a new X-Files movie is coming out?




  1. u r just gettin freaked out for no reason! there are NO such things as aliens

  2. It doesn't really mean anything. There's still this ongoing debate on whether UFOs and aliens are real and we still don't have any hard evidence.

  3. of course there are ALIENS

  4. It's actually been going on for many years. People are slowly being groomed to accept that fact that we are not alone. Thirty years ago, if the Newscasters ever mentioned a UFO sighting, they had to immediately laugh after the announcement. To give the impression that life on other planets could only be a joke. We are going further and further into outer space and  with the discovery of water on Mars, the government sees the handwriting on the wall. Every year, governments throughout the world receive about 1000 UFO reports from reliable military and airline pilots. This cannot be suppressed forever.

  5. yea there was a bit of it latley liek a just a spike of it it happens every now and then it not a big deal if there aliens then theres aliens its when its when things get exposed and we get our hands on it is when things will get interesting lol

  6. Obama looks like an alien. His policies seems like they are not of this world.

  7. i dont know, but i saw that astronaut guy talking about it. i thought it came out of nowhere! hahah. i dunno. it's hard to believe it or not....

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