
Anyone else notice how CNN (Communist News Network) has barely had coverage of McCain choosing Palin? ?

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Anyone else notice how CNN (Communist News Network) has barely had coverage of McCain choosing Palin? ?




  1. Actually they have been covering the event all morning.  What have you been watching?  What a day for us Democrats!!  Thank you for handing us the election Senator McCain!!

  2. Evidently, you haven't been watching the same CNN I have. It's been on this story all morning

  3. Picking her did not change my mind. I was a die heart Hillary fan.  

  4. Wow!

    John McCain's VP choice is more shallow and superficial than Fox News reporting. McCain's VP choice is based on divisive gender politics - his only hope of winning in November is to persuade staunch Hillary supporters to vote for him based solely on the candidate's gender - rather than leadership.

    However, women who respect their own best interests will choose Obama and Biden who have a proven track record of standing up for women's issues - reproductive privacy, pay equity, freedom from violence and discrimination.

    Shame on you John McCain for putting your campaign before America's national security.

    Shame on you John McCain for putting this election before America's economic interests.

    Shame on you John McCain for demonstrating your lack of judgement.

  5. They are finally at a loss for words.  McCain is obviously senile

  6. Dude this has been on CNN all day, check your facts before you make yourself look stupid again.

  7. HAVE TO AGREE WITH ALMOST EVERYONE ELSE ON HERE..cnn IS CERTAINLY covering this event...and as with Rep. they are

    picking her apart which is par for the course to be expected, what i do not agree with that Rep. handed the Pres. to Obama....change your

    weed dude...and Hilary's little minion there please stay home.

    McC & P All the way...what do you say,be straight or g*y

    Republicans will lead the way...hey hey,,,hey,,,,,,,,,,what a day.

    i'm g*y and i am not asking for special rights like the democrats are

    as usual pushing for, i want equal rights, equal rights i can be with my partner in a hospital, been there done that, we can't marry because

    according to the founding fathers that institution is between a man and a woman..i don't have to like that..but i sure as h**l accept it rather than the alternative like the way the democrats instead of reading and applying the Law they are trying to rewrite it to fit there belief system

    that frightens me and it should you as well.McCain/Palin 2008

  8. I was switching stations from 10 o'clock on, and CNN rarely left the vice-presidential story and covered the rally live. They may have had some updates on the hurricane, but that would be it.

    By the way, my local CBS affiliate dumped out of the rally at 12:28 because its noon news block was over. Now, that's worth objecting to!

  9. No one in their right mind watches CNN anymore except to see Glenn Beck, so why bother with fair coverage?

  10. I'm in UK and have been watching the McCain coverage for the past 4 hours.

  11. That further signifies why FOX is the perennial leader of ALL other news networks in ratings.  People obviously prefer Fair and Balanced news as opposed to the never ending cycle of left wing lies and deceptions!!!

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