
Anyone else notice how NBC never showed the winner of the woman's marathon breaking away from the pack?

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This would have been the most exciting part of a race that lasts over 2 hours and they blew it. They're so lame.

They broke away for a few minutes to follow some other event, like a swimming event. When they came back, the 38 yr old woman had broken from the pack, never to be caught. That was Olympic history and we missed it. They never even showed the replay when they got back to the race, and they could have easily videotaped it like they do everything else. I don't know what they're thinking. They're NOT thinking. Even the late night replay skipped it, cause it was a carbon copy of the live coverage.




  1. Yeah, I agree. But, notice how they showed poor Paula Radcliffe having a leak.  Now, that really was more important than seeing the Romanian breaking away.

  2. They didn't know she would break away with 10 miles to go. It was a fluke. It does annoy me that the late night replay is identical though. They even leave the "Live".

  3. Yeah, their selfish money-over-moment coverage caused me to miss the opening ceremonies.

  4. Oh I'm sorry I must have missed that.

    The 2-1/2 hour marathon...yeah fell asleep an hour in.  I can only watch a pack of women running for so long.

    But in America, swimming trumps the marathon, so they do cut to the more interesting event.  You can thank Michael Phelps for that one.

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